Chapter 8

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ABAGAIL straightened her sore back, opening the door of her soon-to-be home with Daniel. The walk had felt longer, making her way back by herself. It might have been her sleep driven haze or talking to Caden that had made it seem quick the first time. Or perhaps the opposite, that made it feel long.

Stepping into her apartment, she could hear him moving around inside. Dragging her feet, she closed the door behind her. Wanting to catch back up on the sleep you missed, she made a beeline for him.

"Where did you go?" His voice demanded, soft but insecure. He sat awkwardly on the couch, staring at her with shy eyes. She simply yawned and limped her way further into the home. "Abagail?"

He was desperately trying to get her attention. Abagail felt everything he said too slowly sludge through her brain. Spending forever trying to decipher what she said.

"Yes?" She asked back, even softer, collapsing onto the couch beside him. Her leg climbing over the armrest, letting her body drop onto the red couch.

She had to walk to and from the hut out in the middle of the woods. No shifting. No point shifting for a short time just to get back here.

Daniel shifted beside her on the couch, reluctant. It processed into his mind. he had asked her a question. Abagai lifted a head up, hair falling from her high ponytail and in her face. She squinted him with eyes that tried to seal themselves shut. With what she swore was the last dredge of energy she had, she propped herself up on her arms. Slowly dragging herself into his lap. Daniel let her mould herself into his lap, her face burrowing into his stomach.

"I was on call this morning. Rogues on the border. I didn't want to wake you," she muttered, running a hand down her face. Please don't ask. She wanted to add. Because if telling him about the incident, it would bring up the Wolf Killer, his Father, and he would be upset. She was too tired to upset him.

"What happened?" He asked, pressing. She sighed, letting her eyes close, as he sat on the end of the couch, her head in his lap. But he didn't try to touch her. Hovering over her. She let out a disgruntled grimace, opening one eye to stare up at him. He stared passed the television, into the pack. Everyone begining their day. He just had to be curious, she told herself. But a question nagged her, was he mad about her leaving him this morning?

Closing her eyes again, she said. "Father and daughter running from Hunters." She was trying to tell him as little as possible. Her mind was too hazed to give another analysis and breakdown of Anthon and Jessie. Daniel flinched at her words. Her eyes peeling open to see him finally staring down at her.

"My Farther didn't send them," He answered coldly. Already coming to his own conclusion.

"Maybe not... But they are the Hunters that worked for him," she said, sleep just out of her grasp. She didn't want to upset him further. Running a hand down his arm, she tugged herself closer to him. He shifted beneath her, finally, running his hand through her hair. He bent over her, his warm lips pressing to her forehead. Smiling, Abagail let herself calm down. "I'm so tired," She muttered, snuggling further up his body.

He placed a hand on her hip, finally easing into her. One hand brushing her baby hair from her face idly, the other gently squeezing her waist.

Watching her breath heave, then slowly tickle into a soft pattern. So soft, that while watching her with a hawks eye, he could have sworn she wasn't breathing. But she was, she was asleep.

And alive.

"I don't like it when you leave me alone," He whispered to her sleeping form, in awe at her face pressed into his stomach. Her eyebrows pinched ever so slightly, as she slipped further into unconsciousness.

Her Human Heart (book 2) HHMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon