The message

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Alissa violet_ av

L-um do I know you
Av- I'm your mom you know your OG mum
L-no your not my real mum is Erika dad and her just broke up after they had me then he got with you had kids with you then got back with Erika.
Av-well you know me for longer
L-no actually oh don't
Av-I was there since you were a baby
L-Alissa that because of what had happend
Av-don't call m Alissa call me mum
L-no Alissa I'm not your my step mother and step mothers and fathers get called by their first name
Am-well I don't ben see my own kids because of what had happend
L-we'll the only reason why dad broke up with you is because you had a child. And the dad was uncle Logan. Uncle Logan let you have he  baby and make jake the dad so that things weren't complicated and they are plus my sister is my coussin.  She is my dads niece and my actually mums niece. They don't know that. Uncle Logan just told me and said that I couldn't tell anyone but I have to.
Av-well then we're are you
L-I'm not telling you.
Am-I have the right. Because you are a teen high school.
L-actually no I'm 18 and dad knows where I am
Am-text him and tell him then text your j clue an say sorry I had to.
L-no I don't want them to get in a fight again and then I don't want to lose my uncle again okay listen it was your fault that I couldn't see him for 4 years. Okay. And I hate you for that.
Am-well it is either you tell him or I tell him.
L-I will tell mum then.

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