The phoen call

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Authors POV so this chapter just will be the two phone calls Jake and Logan the Erika and Loren. Did that sound confusing sorry.

Loren and Erika

Erika-hey Lo
Loren-hey what's up
Erika-so about you coming over jake says that he wants his brother actually to babysit them
Loren-totally fine plus I was going to say Logan anyways before you said yes
Loren-that's okay imma go to bed
Erika-really 13:00
Loren-I'm tired bruh
Erika-k night luv ya
Loren-k luv ya to goat
Erika- (goat noise)

Jake and Logan

Jake-sup bro
Jake-so can I ask you a favour
Jake-can you please babysit the kids I will give you a schedule and everything
Jake-thx I will email you one latter byee

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