Just a chapter of the schedual

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(There will be a new one every Saturday but let's preten it is Saturday today.)

Wednesday-day off because of vlogs
Thursday- day off same reason as yesterday
Saturday-off and no vlogs

Lexie-bed whenever she wants as long as no latter then 11:30pm, other then that look after herself

Other kids bed by 7pm no candy and definitely no doing dumb things.

Medicines-none required
Dinner- list on fridge
Desert-banana and glass of plain milk
Breakfast-cereal and plain milk (Lexi uslayy doesn't eat)
Lunch- pb&j sandwhich and water (Lexie usually out with friend)
Snacks-fruit or little chocolate egg (Lexie has a packet of small chips)
Exercise- ran around backyard 1 short lap, trampoline,
iPad-only allowed on for 3 hours a day can use whenever they want but if they use it all up then it's their fault. (Lexie meh doesn't apply to her)

Any more info or problems or there not listening just call Erika or me so we can talk to the child or kids who is not listen and being naughty.


And just get scared when Kate scares you and let Brooke wach frozen every morning

Oh Sunday don't come have the day off 😊

Jerika with kidsWhere stories live. Discover now