Chapter 31

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( A/N )

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Ive just been busy and trying to take some time for myself

But I promise I didn't forget about you guys!

I decided that im just going to combine all of my ideas into this one book because I dont feel like doing different books anymore!

The title of the BTS song in the laat chapter was ..... Butterfly!


"Come on daddy, we're going to be late!" Hobi started to drag Namjoon to the front doors of the building he would be doing his dance lessons at.

"Honey, slow down for a second." Namjoon stopped walking and started to catch his breath. "We need to wait on your brothers."

Hobi stood still and pouted, waiting for his brothers to catch up.

"Daddy where's Yoongi?" Jimin asked as soon as he was near Hobi and Namjoon.

"Ashleigh took him to piano lessons already. He's over there." Jin pointed to the building across the street from them, making everyone turn in the direction his finger was pointing.

Jimin put his index finger to his lips and gasped. "Oh, Im so silly. I forgot." Namjoon laughed and grabbed Jimin's hand.

"Ready to go in?" Namjoon asked. His kids nodded their heads and they proceeded to walk in.

"Hello may I help you?" The front lady said while Namjoon and his kids were walking up to her.

"Hi, yes I signed my sons up for dance and singing lessons." Namjoon said with a blank expression.

The secretary looked down at Jin, Hobi and Jimin and then looked back up at Namjoon. "Are they even old enough to take these kind of lessons?" She popped her gum in her mouth and waited for Namjoon to answer.

"Why does it matter how old my kids are too you? No one had any problem with me signing them up." Namjoon bluntly said. The secretary scoffed.

"Yeah, but that kid looks like he's two." She said while pointing at Jimin. Jimin hid behind Jin and started to whine. "See he's whining. He shouldn't be in these type of classes. He's too young."

Namjoon closed his eyes and bit the side of his mouth. He hated when strangers had something to say about his kids and what they were wanting to do.

He couldn't hold back his thoughts. He didn't want to hold them back. He only opened his mouth and whatever came out, came out.

"It shouldn't matter to you how old MY kids are. Shouldn't matter to you what MY kids are doing. They wanted to do this so im being a good supportive father and fulfilling their wishes. Who knows maybe they'll be idols or something." Namjoon said. He took a deep breath and waited for the secretary to direct them to the dance room and singing room.

She gulped. "Dance class is two doors to your left and singing is the one across from it."

Namjoon took Jimin's trembling hand and escorted his kids to their lessons.

"Daddy?" Hobi asked. Namjoon turned his head towards him.

"Yes Hobi?" He answered. They all stopped in front of the dance class and Namjoon put his right hand on the doorknob.

"How do you think Yoongi is doing?" He asked shyly. Hobi was a little scared for his older brother because he knows how Yoongi is when it comes to following directions.

"Im sure he's doing fine sweetheart. If you want after dance class we can call Ashleigh and see how Yoongi did." Namjoon assured Hobi.

Hobi nodded his head and Namjoon opened the door. They all walked inside the dance class and Hobi was completely mesmerized.

He looked around at all of the people in his class including his teacher. He had no idea why, but he felt like he was in the right place.

"Ah you must be Kim Hoseok?" A young man that looked to be in his twenties asked the little boy with wide eyes.

Namjoon nudged Hobi indicating that it was okay to talk.

"Y-yes." He said quietly.

"Im so excited to have you join our class! Its going to be so much fun and I guarantee by the end you'll be an amazing dancer." The young man said. He grabbed his towel from his shoulder and lightly dabbed his forehead.

"Im Kim Namjoon, Hoseok's father." Namjoon extended his arm out and the young man did the same.

"Im BamBam. Hoseok's dance teacher." He smiled at Namjoon and put his hand on Hobi's shoulder. "Lets get you started shall we?"

Hobi slowly nodded his head and walked away with BamBam. Namjoon forced a smile on his face and walked out along with Jin and Jimin.

"I hope Hobi has fun." Jin whispered to Jimin. Jimin nodded his head in agreement and stopped walking once he realized Namjoon did.

"Well here's the last stop boys." Namjoon opened the door to the singing class and walked inside.

There wasn't alot of students and there seemed to be no sign of a teacher.

"Daddy where is everyone?" Jimin asked. Namjoon cocked his head to the side and looked around.

"I think this is all Jiminie." Just then a female that looked to also be in her twenties walked in with lots of papers in her arms. She looked like she was struggling real bad.

"Im so sorry im late. I dropped all these papers." She put her papers down on her desk and looked up. She blew a loud huff out and scanned the classroom until her eyes landed on Namjoon, Jin and Jimin.

"Ah there's my last two students." She said with a smile. She walked over to Jin and Jimin and hugged them tight. "I was beginning to get worried." She let go of them and looked at Namjoon.

"Hello, I'm Wendy Ill be your sons teacher." She politely stuck out her hand and Namjoon shook it.

"Im Kim Namjoon and this is Kim Seokjin and Kim Jimin." He let go of Wendy's hand and pointed to his sons when he said there names.

"Nice to meet you Seokjin and Jimin. I hope we have fun! Let's begin!" She took Jin and Jimin's hands and lead them to where the rest of her little group was.

Namjoon sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I guess i'll wait out here."


( A/N )

Very short chapter I know, but it probably wasn't that good either im sorry lol. Please bare with me.

( Question ) What's your favorite song on LoveYourself Tear' album?

( Answer ) I love Airplane pt. 2 or Anpanman!

( Question ) Which BTS title was used?
* HINT : Its a solo song *

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