Chapter 26

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( A/N )

Last chapter's BTS song title I used was .... " I like it " Remember when Brooklyn said that about Hobis necklace before she left the classroom?
"I knew you'd remember me if I got closer to you." The woman said. She sucked her lips in and folded her arms.

Namjoon shook his head and stared at the woman. He couldn't believe who was standing in front of him. He surely wouldn't have recognized her if she hadn't have walked up to him but im sure no one else would've recognized her either.

Before the woman of Namjoon could get out another word Mr. Tickens walked out of the break room and looked at Namjoon.

"You know this person Nam?" He asked his bestfriend. Namjoon looked at Michael and then back at the woman.

"She's an o-old friend." He managed to get out. Michael nodded his head.

"Nice, Im Michael. Namjoon's bestfriend. He probably doesn't mention or talk about me alot since he's probably still mad at me, but I love him still." Michael said while making kissy noises and walking closer to Namjoon.

Namjoon made a stank face and pushed Michael away. "Why wouldn't I be mad still?"

Michael sighed. "It wasn't my fault! It was Yoongi's!"

The mysterious woman looked up at Michael as soon as she heard Yoongi's name.

"Y-yoongi?" She asked. Michael and Namjoon snapped their heads back to look at her.

"You know him?" Michael looked between Namjoon and the woman and closed his eyes a little. "Were you guys romantically involved?"

Namjoon's eyes turned wide and the womans face turned red.

"No, no. You got the wrong idea." Namjoon said. He waved his hand in Michael's face. "Go, Go."

Michael scoffed and soon walked away.

Namjoon sighed. "Sorry about that."

The woman fake laughed. "You're fine."

"Why are you here?" He asked. He and the woman walked into the break room and sat down across from each other.

"Im only here because there's a huge burden in my life and I can't live with it circling in my mind everyday. It needs to be said." She said.

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and made a confused look at the woman.

"What burden are you living with that involves me? We only met 5 times and you helped the doctor deliver all of my kids." Namjoon couldn't figure out what burden the woman that helped the doctor deliver his kids or one of the nurses that was the last to see Susie alive was living with.

"Namjoon." She said softly. Namjoon looked up at her and locked eyes. "Please don't freak out."

Namjoon was on the edge of his seat waiting for what his wife's old nurse had to say.

"She's alive."


"Where's daddy?" Jimin asked Yoongi and Hobi.

Yoongi looked at Jimin and then back at the parking lot. "He's late obviously."

Hobi slapped Yoongi's shoulder. "Hyung don't be mean."

Yoongi scoffed at Hobi. "And your so happy why?"

"Because of B-"

Hobi covered Jimin's mouth before he could finish his sentence. Out of all his brothers Jimin was the only one that knew about Hobi's bestfriend/crush.

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