Chapter 30

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( A/N )

The BTS title was ... Firstlove! Or it could've been Awake. It doesn't matter 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yoongi walked into his father's room and stood beside his bed. He watched as Namjoon snored loudly with his mouth wide open.

Yoongi was hesitant to wake him up, but then Yoongi realized who he was and tapped on Namjoon's forehead.

"Daddy?" Yoongi asked though his tone of voice was more angry than loving.

Namjoon shook his head like he was hearing voices, but wasn't sure whose voice.

"Daddy?" Yoongi said once more. This time he tapped him on the face. "Wake up."

Namjoon shot his eyes open and peered down at Yoongi. "Yoongi its like 7 a.m why are you up?"

"Its actually 7:25 a.m but who's keeping track?" Yoongi said sarcastically. Namjoon sighed out of frustration and put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"What do you need?" He asked Yoongi. Yoongi climbed onto the bed and faced Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi very carefully, studying his movements.

"I couldn't sleep. Im really excited for the piano lessons!" Yoongi smiled showing Namjoon this rare sight of his gummy smile.

"Im glad you're excited baby." Namjoon ruffled Yoongi's hair and got up from his bed.

He walked towards his closet amd started looking through his racks of clothing.

"By the way. I saw Tae Tae chasing Kookie around with scissors." Yoongi said quietly but just loud enough for Namjoon to hear.

Namjoon snapped his head back at Yoongi. "Wait what? How did Taehyung get scissors and how did they get out of their cribs?"

Yoongi put his hand behind his neck and smiled suspiciously.

"I might've let them out of their cribs and told Tae Tae to give Kookie a haircut." Yoongi smiled sheepishly towards Namjoon and Namjoon dropped his hangers on the floor.

"Shit." Namjoon ran out of his room and checked the maknae's bedroom. He opened the door and saw Jimin asleep in his bed. He looked over at the cribs and noticed the twins were both gone.

Namjoon quietly closed the door so he wouldn't wake Jimin up and ran to the living room, skipping the room where the twins were.

Namjoon looked around and noticed a pair of scissors on the floor next to a pile of hair clipped from his sons heads.

Namjoon took a deep breath. "If one of my children is bald I swear to God." Namjoon finally decided to check the older kids room.

Yoongi peeked his head from behind Namjoon's bedroom door and let out a sinister laugh. Namjoon looked back at Yoongi amd squinted his eyes.

He was up to something.

Namjoon put his hand on the doorknob and jiggled it. "Why's the door locked?" He yelled. He banged on the door, waiting for whoever was behind it to open it.

Namjoon put his ear to the door and heard feet scattering.

"Hurry, hide it before daddy comes in." He heard Hobi say. Yoongi was still behind Namjoon's door with his hand to his mouth snickering.

"Boys open the door!" Namjoon yelled again.

"Here we come daddy." Jin yelled back. Namjoon stepped away from the door and the door flew open.

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