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Chloe POV:

My eyes opened slightly, adjusting to the bright light that surrounded me. I blinked a few times before looking around at my surroundings . Was I in hospital?I heard a grunt from beside me and turned to see Troye stretching and yawning in a chair beside me. When he was fully awake and seen me awake he jumped out of the chair and pulled me into him.

"Chloe" He explained gripping me in a tight hug before pulling back and holding me by the shoulders at arms length.
"Troye, what happened?" I asked in a whisper.
"I should be the one asking that question. Why didn't you tell us you were anorexic. Chloe how could you do that to yourself?" Troyes expression went completely serious.
My mouth went dry as I looked down at my hands which I clasped in my lap.
"I'm not anorexic." I mumbled.
"Chloe don't even try getting out of this. The proof is there and the doctors comfirmed it. Do you know how serious this is? You could of died. You nearly did at one stage" Troye explained with tears streaming down his cheeks.

I had no idea what to say. What were you supposed to say after being accused of being anorexic? The door opened and I looked up to see a doctor come in.

"Chloe Mellet?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Glad to see you awake. Now we did some tests while you were unresponsive. You have dangerously low blood sugar and electrolyte levels. We put you on an IV in order for you to have all nutrients that are essential for the body to work. You look better then when you were brought in which is a good sign so you should be cleared to go by tomorrow. However there is a problem that has to be addressed. Troye if you would be so kind."

The doctor sat on the foot of the bed as he indicated to the door at Troye. As Troye got up to leave the doctor looked me over before writting on his clip board.

"Chloe how long have you been anorexic for?" He asked.
"I'm not anorexic." I stated.
"Okay. This is going to be harder then what I thought. How long have you been eating LESS then normal?"
I sighed and looked down at my hands.
"About a year. At first it was a meal but then it was avoiding all meals at all cause and if I did eat anything I would throw it up. I'm not anorexic." I said looking him in the eye.
"Miss Mellet, you do have an eating disorder. Whether you think so or not is put aside when you medically need help. Now I'm going to give your brother your dietary requirements and should you stick to it then I don't see you coming back here. If you don't however then I will set you up with a psychologist that specializes with eating disorders." He said standing up.
"I don't have an eating disorder." I shouted at him as he walked out.

 I sat staring at the wall as Troye came in and sat on the chair beside the bed. He went to take my hand but I shrugged it away from him.

"I'm only trying to make myself better." I mumbled as I teared up.
"You don't need to make yourself any better. You are perfect just as you are. How you look isn't important at all and it doesn't even matter because you are my baby sister and I love you as you are. I am going to help you get through this. Your going to get better, I promise." He said pulling me into a side hug.

I felt a tear run down my cheek and went to wipe it away. It didn't stop it as more came running down. Soon I was a sopping mess and Troye pulled me into a big hug. As I stopped I heard the door open. I pulled away from Troye and turned to see my family standing in the doorway. Mum was the first to run towards us shortly followed by the others. 

"We'll get there." Mum smiled kissing my head.
"I'm sorry and I love you." I said before being pulled into another big hug.

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