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troyesivan: Someday, someone is going to look at you lie your the best thing in the world

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troyesivan: Someday, someone is going to look at you lie your the best thing in the world. Stay strong baby sis, we all love and need you.

tagged: chloeann

liked by zoella sagemellet tyleroakley and 999,903 others

username: Oh my God, my thoughts go to you at this scary time.
zoella: Sending you and your family all the love as you face this difficult time.
tyleroakley: OMG baby mellet!! love you sweetheart, I really hope you pull through.
username2: Heard through article, omg I'm so sorry for what your going through. Love you.
puck: We need you @chloeann, please pull through
username3: Love you @troyesivan
hater1: GOod, glad she's in a coma, hope she doesn't wake up.
pointlessblog: No one deserves that @hater1
hater2: She does @pointlessblog



Troye Sivan takes time off music as his family fight bad news

Troye Sivan told fans that he will be taking time off music to be with family and today we found out why

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Troye Sivan told fans that he will be taking time off music to be with family and today we found out why.
Sivans youngest sister Chloe is in hospital after being rushed on Friday last week. It has been announced that she is in a coma after starving herself to anorexia.
"Their parents have just arrived from their business trip having heard the news the day after Chloe was brought into hospital," A source revealed, " it is unknown if she will awake but if she does it will be a difficult road ahead of her."
Throughout her stay there Troye has being staying by his sister side. The singer hasn't left the hospital since the doctor told them his sister was anorexic and in a coma. No one has been able to get him to leave.
The Mellets family has asked for privacy as they wait for the youngest of their family to pull through. We hope for Chloe to awake soon because we need our favorite sibling duo back.

Other news:

Youtubers send thoughts and prayers to Troye as waits for his sister to pull through.
Jacob Bixenman stays with Mellet family while Chloe in hospital
The glee club visit Chloe, even their teacher Will Schuester


Troye POV:

I woke up to the sound of beeping. This was a daily thing now since I've never left Chloes side since we rushed her in here. Mum and dad were coming back today from their business trip as they couldn't when we told them the news. Tyde, Sage, Steele and Jacob had visited every day. They always tried to get me to leave to have a proper rest but I always declined. I never left the room apart from the bathroom. Someone always brought me food because I wouldn't leave. 

Chloes friends also heard of the news, only by the report on the internet. Puck, Sam, Finn, Kurt and Artie came as soon as the heard. Samantha, Mercedes, Tina, Brittany and Quinn also came to visit. They were all saddened about what had happened and had finished the glee club until Chloe was well again. 

Suddenly the door opened. I turned to see Will Schuester looking towards my sister with saddened eyes. I watched as he moved to the edge of the bed before looking at me with sad eyes. I indicated to the seat across from me, the other side of Chloe, and he sat in it.

"I'm sorry for what your going through." He said softly.
I shrugged.
"Shit happens. She'll get through it though." I said with hope.
"She's a fighter alright." He nodded.
"Did you see any symptoms of her while in school or the club?" I asked, looking over.
"No. She did collapse one time but Finn brought her home then. Other then that noting. I didn't think anything of it either because it was a one off thing." He shrugged.
I nodded as the door opened again.

I turned to see my parents with my siblings behind them. They looked at chloe as they walked slowly into the room. Tyde walked over to me while Sage and Steele walked over to where  will was sitting. Will got up as mum and dad went to sit down, offering his to mum.

"I'll leave you guys alone. Keep me updated." He said before leaving when I nodded.

"When should she wake up?" Mum asked after awhile of silence.
"They don't now. when she decides to." I explained.
"Oh my poor baby." Dad said taking Chloes hand and rubbing circles in it.

As we sat in silence I looked around at everyone. Everyone had tiredness all over the face. No one had slept since the night she rushed in. Suddenly a beeping noise started causing everyone to jump. Tyde rushed out to call for help. I looked over to my sister, scared out of mind.

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