As we got up

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Chloe POV:

"Chloe? You in here?" I heard Samantha ask through the bathroom door

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"Chloe? You in here?" I heard Samantha ask through the bathroom door.
"Give me a minute." I called out and stood up from the floor.
I flushed the toilet before going out of the cubicle. I went over to the sink and took some water to clean my mouth. Samantha walked over to me smiling.
"You alright?" She asked.
"Yea. Must be the stomach bug or something." I groaned.
"Do you want to call home?"
"No I'll be fine."
"You sure?" She asked concerned.
"Yea. We have glee for the last two classes anyway so." I smiled.
"Alright well let's go back to the others. They were concerned when you ran off so quickly." She smiled wrapping her arm around my shoulder as the bell rang.

"There you are. You ok?"Mercedes asked as Samantha and I sat down.
"Yea you seem kinda pale." Tina said as Quinn felt my forehead.
"And you have a temperature." She said concerned.
"Guys I'm fine. I'm sure it's just the stomach bug." I said.
"Well try to eat something because we need you for nationals." Mister Shue smiled walking into the room.
I fake smiled.
"You up for singing." He asked.
"Yea." I smiled.
"Great. Well last week I told you guys that we would do boys vs girls to make it interesting, let's see what you guys did, lads your up first."

The boys left the room before coming back in black clothes. The girls all faked clapped for them. Once they were finished the girls were up. We went and changed in yellow dresses before getting into place. I was lead singer. As we got up I started to feel faint but ignored it.

"Well done, well done everyone." Mister Shue clapped.

That was the last thing I heard till I collapsed.

Finn POV:

I caught Chloe as she started falling. Everyone gasped and ran to her. Puck grabbed her legs and we layed her on a table. Mister Shue rushed over towards us.

"Chloe, Chloe can you here me?" He asked tapping her cheeks gently.
"Is she alright?"Mercedes asked as I looked at Puck.
"She will be. Kurt get a cool face cloth."

Kurt ran off and soon came back with the wet face cloth. Mister Shue dabbed Chloes face gently with it before placing it on her forehead. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around confused. She tried to sit up and Mister Shue helped her.

"Are you ok?" Mister Shue asked.
"What happened?" She asked confused.
"You collapsed. Do you know what could of caused it?"
"I didn't have breakfast this morning because I was running late, I also got sick at lunch. That could of been why." She said softly.
"Right well, the session is finished. Chloe I don't want you going home on your own. Finn can you bring her home?"
"Yea sure."
He nodded and walked off.

I drove Chloe back to hers before getting out and helping her to the door. The door opened as we got to it and I seen her sister there. She looked at us with confusion as Troye came from behind her.

"everything alright?" Troye asked looking confused at Chloe.
"Yea. My name is Finn, I am a friend of Chloes. She collapsed today and I didn't want to leave her on her own so I brought her." I explained.
"Oh my God are you ok?" Her sister asked going over to her.
"Sage I'm fine." Chloe sighed.
"Well thanks for bringing her home." Troye said as Sage and chloe walked into the house.
"No problem." I smiled before leaving to the car.

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