You have the body for it though

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Troye Sivan, 22, and sister Chloe Mellet, 16,  time together with Jacob Bixenman, 23

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Troye Sivan, 22, and sister Chloe Mellet, 16,  time together with Jacob Bixenman, 23.
The two Mellets are close and it doesn't take a genius to see, the two are always posting cute photos of each other on social media, so it doesn't come to a surprise that the youngest Mellet is close to her brothers boyfriend.
The three were seen earlier today hanging out around town. The singer, model and young one were spotted leaving starbucks while joking around but all that changed when they spotted the cameras.
Chloe is known for being uncomfortable around papz because she feels like she is in the way of her brother, which is totally ridiculous if you ask me.
The normally happy girl didn't seem to well in herself during the trip out in town. She was seen stopping mid walk and closing her eyes while breathing deeply but soon walked off when Troye noticed and went over to her. Could she of just needed a rest or was she feeling faint?
Either way the three enjoyed their day out.

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Chloe POV:

Chloe POV:

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"Hey guys."
I looked up to see a woman with a mike followed by a man with his phone out recording.
"Do you mind me asking some questions?" She continued.
Troye nodded as I looked down. I ignored what they were saying till my name was mentioned.
"So Chloe, is it true that you are going to be joining the modelling area?"
I laughed at it.
"No. I could never be a model. I don't have the confidence to be one." I laughed looking at Jacob.
"Podrías ser si quisieras (You could be if you wanted to)." Jacob whispered while smiling.
"No me veo como un modelo. (I don't look like a model.)" I replied.
"You have the body for it though."
"No I don't." I mumbled.
"Sorry?" The lady asked confused.
"Thank you. But no I'm not." I fake smiled at her.
"Are you proud of the two boys behind ya?" She asked changing the topic.
"Yea, yea. They have got so far in their careers and it's hard not to be proud of them." I smiled.
"Thank you for your time."

We walked off down the street away from them. I sighed as we turned the corner. Troye smiled and wrapped his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked down the street. We went into Starbucks and I excused myself to the bathroom.

Jacob POV:

I watched as Chloe went to the bathroom before turning to Troye.

"Is she alright?" I asked him.
He looked up at me before sighing.
"I dunno. She doesn't seem herself today for some reason." He explained.
"Oh well. I'm sure it's noting." I said trying to convince myself more so then Troye.
I hope your right." Troye sighed before going to order when called.

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