Chapter 10

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It was a little too empty in this classroom.. It's been days since the last time we saw Libitina.. I hope she's okay..

" Are you guys ready? " Sayori tapped my shoulder, " They're already in their seats "

I glanced over at the crowed, patiently waiting for the show to begin. I sigh and finally walked up to the stage, clearing my throat before speaking.

" Hello everyone! Welcome to the Literature Club! " I welcomed then gave a smile, " I'm Monika, the president of the club "

As I introduced Sayori and Monika, I heard a voice from the crowd.. They sounded shocked.

" Did you hear about the news? " A woman whispered to her friend quietly. The other girl shook her head, " What happened? "

" They found a teenager's body in the back of a hospital.. "

" W-What teenager?! " I quickly asked.. Why did I have this feeling that.. No.. It can't be.

" I-I don't know " The woman nervously answered, " T-They found the body in the back of a hospital, that's by challenger road "

" I'm sorry everyone, but I have to go! " I apologize and hopped off the stage, running out the door.

Weakly still running up the the hospital, I wasn't the only one curious. Crowds of people were also trying to see what was going on..
I forced myself into the crowd and the closer I got, the closer I knew the answer. Please Libitina, please tell me you didn't do this. Somehow, I managed to get to the front but still no luck. Guards were covering the scene, making sure no one could peak. I ripped the tape and ran towards the scene.

" Hey! " one of the guards yelled, grabbing onto my arm and holding me back.

" Let me go! " I yelled, trying to get my arm back. Another guard grabbed my other arm and both walked me back to the crowd. I have to see! I have to see if Libitina didn't kill another person!

I stomped hard onto the guards foot and ran as soon as they yelled in pain, trying to nurse their feet. I ran to the scene with the crowd as well. The body was covered.. It had a white blanket over it but I still noticed something.. A small amount of purple hair sticking out of the blanket. I know this is disrespectful but I have to know.

" Forgive me " I spoke clearly, lifting up the blanket. As soon as I did, the guards pulled me away, I didn't let go of the blanket though.. What I saw, was something I never thought I would see. A friend who could've been cured, was laying dead in front of me..

" Let me go! " I screamed, struggling to get loose, " Let me go! Let me go! "
Still struggling to get loose, I couldn't believe it. Libitina, why did you do it? Why did you have to end your life like this? I cared about you..
My struggling got weaker.. I slowly gave in with tears running down my face. I can't believe it. I don't believe it..

Libitina, I could've saved you.

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