Chapter 6

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What kind of book is that?! That sh*ts creepy as hell.. But whatever that is to Yuri right now.. I think I should destroy the book.. The last thing I remember her reading, she said she was half way done.. Could I destroy that book? Not by myself no.. But.. No one is safe..
A loud ring from my phone went off. I jumped off my seat and onto my feet, quickly grabbing my phone. A message from Sayori.?

Private Messaging

Sayori: Hey Monika. Something happened to Natsuki.. She's with me right now but she's not looking too good. You should come over.
Monika: Do you know what happened?
Monika: Sayori?
Monika: Sayoriiiii

I turned off my phone.. That was creepy and it didn't feel like I was actually texting Sayori.. It felt like I was texting someone else.. But what if it was Sayori? And what she said is the truth? If I'm going in.. I want to be prepared.. I looked up at the cross that was hanging above the computer, I took it down and tapped it to my bare chest.. I can't believe I'm doing something like this.
I got on my knees and prayed to God to give me the strength and ability to fight back a demon just in case this whole thing is a trap.. Yuri is that demon.. After a couple of more seconds in prayer, I stood up, putting my mom's jacket since it was already here. I soon walked out of the house and mentally preparing myself for whatever might happen as soon as I step in that house.

~Yuri's POV~

What am I doing.. Why am I here.. I still can't believe I did all those things.. I didn't mean to.. I mean.. I just couldn't control it anymore.. This bloody feeling is growing.. Everyone is scared of me now. I don't know what to do at this point.. If I let them go.. They'll just scream for help.. And what if I go back to that f*cken prison?! I barely got out of there.. I did too much to get where I am now. Oh if Elyssa could've kept her f*cken mouth shut, they wouldn't have tortured me even more!
(( Elyssa is actually one of Libitina's ( aka Yuri's ) Victim when she was in the experiment prison. Elyssa is mentioned in one of the 3 poems you unlock from the game. ))
I- Its not fair though.. I've been through that hell for as long as I could remember.. Why me.. Why did they choose me?! Out of billions of people! They f*cken picked me! They did it! They did this to me! They opened my third eye and ever since then, I've been craving blood.. I've been having nightmares and seeing things the naked eye can't see. This is pure madness.. It always had been for most of my childhood.. Injections.. Pills.. People I killed.. I didn't mean it.. I didn't mean any of this! I'm a monster no matter where I go! I'm causing my friends to live the way I did.. My only friends.. Why.. Why can't I fight it..? Am I used to this Third Eye? I've been stuck with it for so long.. It feels like it's permanently apart of me..
I pulled out the files from my desk drawer and set it onto the desk. I stared at it blanky while getting flashbacks of all the horrible things they did.. I opened the file:
( Here's the creepy part: I went to the website Team Salvato hid about Libitina's report. I took screenshots of the important stuff for you guys lol. If you want to see it for yourself, the website is called: )

com )

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(( Notice that description? Doesn't that remind you of anyone? ))

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(( Notice that description? Doesn't that remind you of anyone? ))

(( XXXXXX = ELYSSA ))(( You know how Yuri is the Senior in the Club? So she must be 17, right? The date of birth of Libitina is: 1/05/2001

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(( You know how Yuri is the Senior in the Club? So she must be 17, right? The date of birth of Libitina is: 1/05/2001. Sooo how old is Libitina? 17. Remember the description I mentioned? Notice how it says, " ..Should be ignored in the future examinations "
Who harms themselves, laughs at random times and kind twitches(glitches, I would put it) from time to time in Act 2? My favorite insane Doki: Yuri 💜 ))

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