Chapter 5

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What the hell?! What the hell was that?! I need to find Monika. I quickly ran to Sayori's house where Monika said she'd be, still feeling the blood from the cut, drip down my arm. I pulled out my phone with my good arm and tried calling her but it went straight to voice mail.

Sh**ttt!! I ran up to the front door and banged on it, " Monika! Monika are you still in there?! "

The door opened slowly after the last hit.. I gulped.. It was dark.. No light at all.

" M-M-Monika..? " I call out again as I took a step back. I hit my back against something behind me.. I was scared to look back so I close my eyes tight and turned around, pushing it away from me and started running.

" Natsuki! " It called as I felt it's hand grab my wrist.

" L-Let me go! " I yelled trying to break lose.

" Natsuki hey, calm down.. It's me " Yuri smiled.

" Y-Y-Yuri? " I hesitated and stopped struggling then turned to her, " S-Sayori is in trouble! Something happened, I don't know why or how but it has Sayori! "

" What are you talking about? " Yuri calmly said as she tilted her head a little.

" S-Sayori is in trouble!! " I yelled, " Some darkness cloud or whatever took over the school! It has Sayori! What do we do?! "

Yuri sighed and started walking away.

" Y-Yuri?! What the hell! She's our friend and she's in trouble! " I shouted, grabbing her wrist before she could take another step.

" Face it Natsuki.. " she spoke clearly, " One by one, we're falling apart. Monika is getting Hallucinations and Sayori is facing symptoms due to her depression.. "

" Okay I can kind of understand Monika's situation but SAYORI, her eyes were bleeding, she was weak and could barely run! "

" Perhaps you are also seeing things "

" NO I'M NOT. Are you calling me crazy or something?! "

She turned around and stared at me coldly but with no expression, " I bet Sayori is with Monika right now "

" W-Where?! " I slightly gulped. Her stare is making me feel uncomfortable.. Her body movement tend to kind of glitch from time to time she spoke.. I know what I saw! I'm not crazy..

" They're upstairs " She answered. Upstairs..?

" Upstairs where?! Be specific! " I growled. She stepped closer to me and for some reason I took a step back. I didn't want her near me..

" D-Don't f*ck with me Yuri! " I kind of yelped, " W-Where are they?! "

She didn't answer me.. But she did walked passed me and into Sayori's house.. Standing beside the stairs to the rooms, she looked at me. Does she want me to go up THOSE stairs? Even if she did, like hell I would.. A dark house with Yuri acting so damn creepy.. But.. What if my two friends are up there..? The only two friends I have right now..

" Are you coming or not? " Yuri said with her voice slightly cracking with each word. I took a step back.. Should I? Can I?! Would Sayori and Monika do the same thing if it was me..? They're my friends right? I clenched my fist and slowly walked in.

" Check up there.. " Yuri smiled. This is a crazy thought but I'm gonna ask anyway..

" C-Come with me " I hesitated while looking up at her. Her smile disappeared but she agreed to it. We started going up the stairs.. I could see Sayori's room.. Light was coming out of the bottom of it.. Are they really in there? Yuri was looking at me the whole time we got closer to the door. I felt like if her face was getting closer.. I quickly ran and tried opening the door.

" Sayori! Monika! " I cried, banging on the door cause it was locked. Suddenly, screams from inside that room started. I took a step back, immediately regretting coming in here.

" N-Natsuki.. " Yuri's voice glitched as she rested her hand on my shoulder, keeping a tight a grip. I'm not turning around, I'm not turning around, I'm not turning around. This is just a dream! It has to be!

" This is reality " Yuri's voice slightly shifted, making her sound like a child, " M-My reality "

" N-No.. Let me g-go! " I screamed turning around and shoved her away. Her hand went for my neck.. Every time I tried to fight back, the grip just went tighter and tighter.. I couldn't breathe anymore.. My eyes slowly felt like they were rolling back.. My breaths turned shorter.. I looked at Yuri before going into sleep.. Her eyes were black and that smile grew larger..

" Goodnight Natsuki.. "

~Monika's POV~

I called Natsuki lots of times but there was no answer.. It was already dark.. Why do have this strange feeling something happened.? Something terrible.. I haven't heard anything from Sayori either.. This is bad.. I shouldn't just sit here.. I need to do something.. Anything. I went to my parents office room to use their computer.. I wanted to search up that book again.. One last time. Shockingly, the website didn't freeze.. It was working perfectly. I clicked on the book and read the description:

A religious camp that was turned into a human experiment prison.. And the people trapped there have this trait that turns them into killing machines that lust for blood. But the facility gets even worse, and they start selectively breeding people by cutting off their limbs and affixing them to-

(( I had to look up Yuri's description on the book lolol still creeps me out :') ))

Before I could finish, the computer crashed..

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