Chapter 3

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I closed my eyes once again until I felt like opening them this time..

" Monika, c'mon " Sayori groaned as she opened the door, " What are you doing? Are you sleeping? "

I opened my eyes.. Yuri was gone.

" Me and Natsuki been waiting for too long already " Sayori pouted.
I sat up and looked around.

" Looking for something? "

" Y-Yuri.. She was here.. You brought her with you guys, right? "

" Yuri is not here, Monika.. " She answered slowly, " Are you feeling okay? "

Hallucinations.. Is this what Yuri was talking about last night? But it felt so real..

~Sayori's POV~

Why is Monika acting like this? She never acted like this until.. She found Yuri's book.. That is honestly a creepy looking book.. I still can't believe that a gentle girl like Yuri, would read such a thing. I mean.. I never read it myself but.. You know.. It doesn't look.. Normal.
I walked back outside where Natsuki is also waiting.

" Is she done yet? " the pink haired girl groaned.

" N-No.. But.. Have you noticed anything strange? " I asked.

She looked at me, tilting her head slightly, " What do you mean? "

" Oh nevermind!~ " I giggled nervously. Finally, Monika came out.

" Let's gooo! " Natsuki marched while monika and I followed. I took a glance at Monika.. She was so quiet and looked very cautious of her surroundings as if something would just pop out of no where. I held out my hand, hoping she would notice. She looked at it and quickly grabbed onto it.. Her grip was tight. She's scared.?

We walked onto school campus as monika's hand slipped out of mine. I turned around, just to see her face looking more worried and cautious as ever.

" Hey it's gonna be okay " I whispered to her and held out my hand once more.

" Sayori " A voice called as it tapped my shoulder. I looked behind me, it was Yuri.

" O-Oh hey Yuri! " I slightly jumped. The grip Monika had on my hand went tighter.. It started to hurt.

" First period is starting " Yuri spoke. I noticed how she looked at Monika.

" O-Oh yeah! Well.. I'm gonna walk Monika to class " I said with a smile and started walking, " Tell our teacher I'll be late! "

Yuri watched as I walked Monika to class.. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

" S-Sayori.. " Monika weakly spoke as her grip got loser.

" Monika, are you okay? " I asked and slowly stopped walking. Suddenly, her eyes shut and she dropped but I managed catch her, " M-Monika?! "

She fainted but from what? Is she still sick? Or.. Why do I have a feeling it was Yuri? I mean.. When Yuri got close to us.. She held my hand pretty hard.. As if she was scared of Yuri. Even if she was, why is she scared of her?

" Monika? You okay? " I gently said as I noticed her waking up.

" W-Where am I..? " she quietly mumbled as she sat up from the bed.

" The nurses office " I answered with a little smile, " How are you feeling? "

" I.. I don't know " she replied, sounding a little empty. She looked at my hands then grabbed them tight, pulling them so I could go closer to her face.

" M-Monika? " I yelped.

" D-Don't leave me.. P-Please.. " her voice cracked, " I-I'm scared.. "

Scared..? I knew it.

" Scared of what? " I whispered. She looked like she desperately wanted to say it but something kept her for doing so.

" Scared of what? Please tell me " I asked once again. She shook her head and closed her eyes tight. I didn't want to turn around for some reason but I did.

" Is she alright? " Yuri smiled.

" Je-Jesus Christ! " I almost screamed, " M-Make some noise! "

She giggled while twirling her hair, " Please answer my question.. "

" She's.. Alright " I replied and felt Monika's grip go tight as earlier..

No way.. She IS scared of Yuri.. But.. Why?

" You should go to class Sayori " Yuri suggested while sitting by Monika's legs, " I'll stay here with her until she feels better "

Something.. Is not right. Something is telling me to stay but then something else is telling me leave.. I don't know what to do.

" You both go to class " Natsuki announced as she walked in, " I have a free period today "

" O-Okay Natsuki! We'll leave it to you " I quickly said before Yuri could say anything, " Let's go Yuri!~ "

She nodded and followed me out the nurses office. The hallways were quiet cause class were in session so we could only hear our foot steps.. I didn't like it. Out of no where, Yuri pinned me to the bathroom door and held my arms close so I couldn't fight back. I tried to scream but I couldn't for some reason.. No sound came out of my mouth.

" Are you scared of me? " Yuri asked with an empty expression I never seen before. Her eyes were locked with mine, I couldn't look away no matter how much I tried. This is why Monika always shuts her eyes, huh?

" Answer me " She spoke in a little bit of aggression in her voice. I shook my head quickly. After a couple of more seconds of starring into my eyes, she finally let me go.

" Thank you for telling me.. " her lasts words were before she walked away.
What the hell was that?! I couldn't speak and I still can't.. It was like she took my voice away..

Monika.. Monika is the only person I know who's been through something like this. Monika maybe knows why Yuri is acting like this.. But does she know how to stop it?

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