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~Harry's POV~

After giving the lads and T a lecture on how eavesdropping is bad, we all went downstairs. I couldn't believe I kissed Niall.....worst of all, I wanted to. I looked over to the fridge where he was. Eating. Of course he would. Did he enjoy the kiss as much as I did?? Did it make him feel as guilty as I did?

I was interrupted by Teenage Dream, Boyce Avenue playing....great just my luck. He would call right after I did the most terrible thing ever. I saw Niall look up at me from across the room. I gave him a small smile and he shook his head and turned around. Great. He's mad again. I didn't want him to be mad at me anymore. I walked over to him and grabbed him from behind. He jumped, but relaxed when he realised it was me.

"I'll let you rest your head on me if that's what you need in this teenage dream tonight" I sighed again, still with my arms around his waist. I put my head on his shoulder.

"You should get that." He said. I nodded and took my phone out and hit the green button.


"Hey babe, what are you up to?" Oh nothing just making out with my bestfriend that you think I'm in love with. Which I don't know if it's true or not.

"Nothing just....relaxing with the.....lads, you?" I felt Niall stiffen under me at the sound of Brody's voice. I gave him a reassuring squeeze at his hip. He relaxed a bit but not much.

"Kool, sounds relaxing...and nothing just seeing if I have any superpowers" I chuckled a bit. He's so strange at times.

"Mmhmm....and how.....does exactly?" I asked curious. He sighed dramatically. Jeez I didn't know I was suppose to know this already!

"Well....I don't exactly know....I'm just waiting for webs to come out of my wrist while yelling 'Up Up and Away web!' I guess I don't have that ability..." He said the last part sadly. I laughed at him. Who does that?! (A/N not me that's for sure pshhhh *looks around paranoid....)

"Well that sounds know.....that Peter....Parker MAKES...the er....webshooters right?" I ask. I can already see his face right now...He's too cute.

"What?! So I've been westing here for hours screaming that over and over like a Weirdo?!" Yes.

"No......I'm er....sure you didn't sound that weird..." I felt Niall pull away from my hold and turn and jump onto the counter. I guess he finished his sandwich? My theory was prooven when I saw him reach for a very delicious looking sandwhich.....I want some!

"Oh shut up! You know any person would sound crazy if they were screaming that." I laughed. True. I would. I found it hard to pay attention to Brody while watching Ni eat the sandwhich I desperately wanted. Bu we all know....Niall doesn't share his food. Shit. What did Brody say? Something bout an elephant?

"Uhuh....elephant....yep got it..." Niall turned to me and looked at me like I had four nipples! Wait.....I do have four nipples.....

"What? Did you just say elephant?" I heard Brody ask. Shit. So he wasn't talking bout them? damn.

"Erm.....yeah.....I like elephants......." I said. I really didn't know what to say.... I looked over to Ni and he just shook his head at me and took a bite of his sandwhich. Dirty Bastard....that is mine! I looked over at him. He raised his eyebrow. I gave him the puppy dog eyes and his face filled with realisation. He shook his head furiously. I sighed but dropped my head.

"Are you listening to me Haz?" Oh shit Brody was still in the phone.

"Huh? Oh yeah....course...."

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ