Kiss Me already!

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~Niall's POV~

Hazza put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head. I closed my eyes for the short moment that it lasted. I sat up once the credits started to roll, Haz's arm still around my waist. Tarah got off of Liam's lap while he went to take out the movie.

"Which movie next?" he asked looking around at us.

"Grease!" Lou shouted and Zayn chuckled beside him. Liam turned looking for the carrot loving boy's favorite movie on the shelf. Finally finding it, and muttering about how we never organize the shelf, he put it into the player and the previews started. Haz pulled me into him again still with his hand around my waist. I sighed contently and leaned my head back on him.

"...We start believin' now that we can be who we are, Grease is the word, They think our Love is just a growin' Pain why don't they understand its just a cryin' shame, Their lips are lyin' only real is real, We stop the fight right now we gotta be what we feel Grease is the word..." The opening song played and I couldn't help but relate it to mine and Haz's relationship. Oh well, just ignore your undying love for your bestfriend that has his arm around you waist, tight.

I felt his fingers slip under my shirt and start to trace circles on my hip with them. My breathing hitched a bit but I focused on the movie playing in front of me. He started to trace my sex lines (or as you guys call them...v lines) up and down. Holy shit what the fuck is he doing? I looked over to the lads and of course, they weren't aware of the sex God above me that was teasing me. -_- Li and Tarah were locked in a kiss and Lou was intently watching his favorite movie amd mouthing the words to it and Zayn was trying to watch the movie but couldn't help but sneek some peeks at Lou.

He brought my attention back by moving his hands up and down my abs traveling down to my happy trail right where my pants started. I am not turned on by this....I am not turned on by this...okay of course I am! I accidentally let out a surprised noise and he quickly pulled out of my shirt just as everyone turned to look at me.

"I just really like this part" I said as John Travolta sang "We made out hundreds of times!" and I blushed a deep red as Harry chuckled above me. Everyone gave me a weird look then turned back to the movie, including him. His hands went back to my sex lines and started tracing them. My head was still on his shoulder so I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled a bit and leaned down to whisper to me.

"Watching Grease, duh...what does it look like?" he said cheekily. I rolled my eyes at him and breathed in sharply as he traced his fingers right above the hem of my jeans. I could tell he was smirking at the reaction he was getting from me. I grabbed his hand to stop him and moved it to beside me lap and leaned over to whisper to him again.

"You have a boyfriend..." I trailed off and he sighed. I don't understand him, if he likes me then why did he get with Grody, I mean Brody...

"I wasn't doing anything wrong...just watching a movie" he said innocently. I glared at him and he smiled at me with those mesmerising dimples that I love so much. I sighed and turned my attention towards the movie. They were at the bon fire now, the part where Danny acted like a douche and embarrassed Sandy.

"Your a fake and a phony and I wish id never laid eyes in you!" She screamed at him and threw down her pom pom's and left crying.

"Poor Sandy!" Lou and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. Zayn smiled at me from beside Lou. I smiled back at him and I felt Haz pull me closer to him. What the hell? I shook it off and leaned back into him. He ran his fingers through my hair and I nuzzled more into his neck and he smiled down at me. As the movie continued his hand traveled back to my waist and under my shirt.

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now