Grab Somebody, Cause We're Having a White Trash Party! Part One!

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Okay guys so it was really hard on deciding who to dedicate this chapter to. I had @xXmalenaXx097 help me decide the party games and @hugsfromziam with the seducing part, so I decided that I will dedicate this chapter to @hugsfromziam and the next one to @xXmalenaXx097! I hope that's fair!!

Awww!! Check out the Narry gif to your right! They are so cute together!!

Anyways this should have some Zouis action!!


(I just thought I should warn you :P) 


~Niall's POV~

I like Harry. A lot. 

That is why I was upset when he was flirting with that Brody kid. They were basically saying they wouldnt mind fucking each other! And Harry was the one who brought it up! I felt so mean the way I snapped at him. You could see the hurt in his eyes. I was in a good mood before I saw all that! I actually felt like he kinda liked me. I guess he thinks Brody is hotter? I mean come one though, is he Irish?? Does he look like a total Sex God? Didn't think so. Does he know how to seduce HazzaBear? Yeah also a no.

We had just finished the signing and I was in a better mood I could tell Haz wanted to ask about it but he didn't. I'm hungry! We were leaving the building and heading for the van. I took a glance at Haz and he was totally staring at me ass! Really Haz? Way to make it obvious! I shook my butt to get his attention.

"Like what you see Styles??" I chuckled a bit and bit my lip nervously waiting for his response.

"Huh? I...erm....wasn' um..I was looking at the street" haha hes so obvious when he lies! Like back at the signing when he said he was thinking bout how big his was? Yeah a total lie! Haha!

"Haha! Haz, its okay we all know you want me" I winked at him. He chuckled and blushed. Where was all this confidence coming from? I'm usually nervous around him! Maybe I'm still upset about the Brody guy?? He gave Haz his number...I wonder if he will actually call him. He'll probably invite him to our party we're having tonight. Just a small get together nothing too crazy. I mean who needs 200 people when you have 5 of the craziest lads here?! It doesn't matter he can invite him if he wants. Ill invite my ex, Malena, shes not the crazy ex We ended on good terms we are really good friends now. She was into the bad boi types though. Maybe she could keep Brody occupied while I have fun with Haz ;) we jumped in the van. Haz was sitting next to me in the very back with Lou and Zayn flirting in the front. Hmmm they would look cute together! I know what dare to give them tonight!

I mean who knows what ill do tonight! I'm going to be so drunk! Hehe....I'm still hungry. -_-

"I'm hungry!" I whined.

"When aren't you hungry Nialler" Haz pointed out. I glared at him. He chuckled. God I love his laugh. It so mesmerising!

"Obviously not now" I pointed out and stuck out my tongue.

"Awe don't be mad babe! Ill make you something when we get home yeah?" Babe. He said babe? He was just joking though he didn't mean it how I wanted him to.

"Will there be desert" I raised my eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Of course Niall I am going to be there." He winked and put his arm around me.

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant