If I Can't Have You Why Won't You Let Me Go?

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Ello Carrots!

Well I feel like a horrible person! I haven't uploaded! My Internet was down for a while...then I wasn't getting a lot of feedback but I thought What the hell right?! Haha...soooooo I hope you like this one! :D

Okay y'all don't hate me....but I've been...listening to the Wanted.....*gasp!* haha but I really enjoy their music! It is great even though I don't find them attractive at all...haha sorry if I offended you, but One Direction is WAY hotter ;D (Just my opinion though....) The only one that I think is good looking is Max....the bald one? I don't even know their names! Okay I'm gonna try this....the small one is Nathan right? And the dark one is Siva? And the bald one is Max? And the one with the Jew Fro ;) is.....yeah I don't know haha but he's a bit cute too....and if your a Wantit and I offended you I am deeply sorry but I am trying to learn! Haha

And their songs are so flippin (I'm trying to not swear a lot...) sad! This chapter is Called "If I Can't Have You Why Won't You Let Me Go?" Because, we all know Niall wants Hazza but he cant have him, but Harry won't let go, so Niall can't move on (not that he wants to) ....The song is Say It On the radio by The Wanted! Enjoy! <3


~Niall's POV~

I woke up with Zayn this morning, he stayed with me. I didn't have any nightmares this time. I always have nightmares when I wake up alone. It had been happening a lot, since I would always wake up to no one.

My mind was racing. Zayn had just told me what happened last night and I was thinking about my dreamless sleep.

"I did what?!" I shouted at him. I cant believe I did that! I'm a terrible person!! I embarrassed Zayn and I did that to Haz?! He probably hates me too!

"Ni, babe, you didnt embarrass me, it was bound to come out and like I told Tarah, it's not like I'm ashamed of it! I wanted to have sex with you just as much as our fans want to rape you! Which by the way I would never let happen....anyways! That's besides the point, I doubt Harry hates you, he deserved it! And Lou passed out halfway through! I doubt he'll remember! You don't have to worry!" he said looking into my eyes with his beautiful golden ones. The light was shining in through the windows and it made his eyes looks brighter and more beautiful. I can't believe I just said that out loud....I really need to stop that!

I sighed in relief. I'm not in trouble. I calmed more when I felt his hand grab mine. I looked down at our hands and back up to his eyes. He is so nice! Why the hell does he have to be so sweet?!

"What do you mean? When did you talk to T? And what did Harry do? And you want to have sex with me that much?!" He blushed and looked at our hands.

"Well after your little outburst and I was taking you here to sleep. Harry didn't want you to sleep in the room after you told, that's why your here. And....yes? Erm....I mean....*sigh*....yes..." He blushed as he stuttered out the last part. His words made me blush as well. Wait. Harry did that? He was that mad at me for sleeping with Zayn? What the hell? We all kknow Harry isn't a virgin, and I didn't go all ape shit on him and tell him he couldn't sleep in the bed with me. What is his problem?

"What the hell!" I screamed. Zayn flinched back pulling his hand back as well.

"I....I..didn't mean that! Nevermind....I uh I'm sorry." Zayn said shyly. Shit, he thought I was yelling at him cause he said he wanted me to have sex with him when we did it? Well I would hope he wanted it too cause then it would be considered rape. And I didn't want to rape anyone. That would be illegal, and I'm too pretty to go to prison! Imagine! Me! In jail! They would surely rape me! Wait! I need to focus!

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now