The Talk

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~Niall's POV~

We decide to get up and clean up the mess we had just made. I groaned and got up from the comfortable bed. He started to get up to follow me but I stopped him. "Babe, don't. I'll clean up you rest, you're probably sore already..." I put my hand on his naked chest pushing him down slightly. He smiled sleepily and lay back down on the bed. I tried my best to move around him but he got up, wincing a bit, long enough for me to change the sheets. I grabbed them and the towel I used to clean up the mess Zayn had made on me earlier and took em to the wash. I went back to the room and grabbed a pair of his boxers and pulled em on.

"Throw me a pair babes?" He mumbled sleepily. He had been watching me but was dozing off. I grabbed a pair from my case and handed them to him.

"Go to sleep babe I know you're tired." I whispered and kissed him softly. He kissed me back but was already half asleep mumbling an 'ok'. After I cleaned up the room a bit too and there was nothing left to do I went to the kitchen deciding to cook him something. (A/N idk what he's cooking just imagine its something delicious cause I mean Niall is making it right? ) Once I was done I went back to wake him up. He had a good 30-an hour nap so I figured he'd be okay for now. I walked in and set the food down on the wooden nightstand next to the bed. His back was facing away from me and the door and towards the window that was covered. "Zazz" I whispered nudging him a bit.

"Mmm" was all I got in response. I swear he's terrible at getting up.

"Babe I got you food" I tried again rubbing his back lightly. He smiled a bit and opened one eye and turned a bit to look at me then turned back over again. I sighed and leaned over to kiss him. It wasn't long before he was responding and fully awake. Awe yeyyuuuhh one point for Nialler!

"I love you" he whispered pulling me in for another kiss.

"And I love you too but yer food is gon get cold" I whispered back to him my lips brushing against his as I talked because of our closeness. He hummed in response.

"Don't mind" he states simply but gets up anyways. "Thanks babes" he says pressing a sloppy, wet kiss to my cheek.

"Zazz! That's gross!!" I yelp. He only laughs at me and kisses me lightly on the cheek this time then starts eating. (A/N still dunno what he's eating....whoops...)

"Zazzzzzzzaaaaaa!" I was bored after about 20min and I didn't want to just watch him eat.

"Niaaaaaallllllll!" He retorted (A/N big word huh? Haha do I get sex for my large vocabulary??? No? Ohkay.... :( lol)

"You take too looooooong" I whined at him.

"Do I? I'm soooooooorrrrryy" he said mimicking me. I furrowed my brows and scoffed. Really? How old are we like 5? He just gave me an innocent smile. I huffed and turned my head away from him with arms crossed. He laughed at my actions and leaned on his side on the bed and reached out for me. I moved away from his touch and he only chuckled. "Babe" he said seriously as he tried again and ending with the same results.

"Babe" he said more forceful this time moving towards me, landing with his head on my lap. He reached up to turn my face towards him and frowned at me. "Babe?" He spoke so softly my hard gaze softened at his words. He wrapped his hand around my neck and hesitantly pulled me down towards him. When he saw that I was willingly moving forward he let out a sigh of relief. Once our lips connected I broke into a grin.

"You're mean." I mumbled against his lips, still kissing him. He chuckled, breaking our kiss momentarily.

"I'm the nicest guy you'll meet" he replied giving me a grin and pulling me back into our kiss. It was a simple closed mouth kiss just moving together.

You're Mine. Not His. (Narry Storan/Zouis Talik/Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now