Part 6

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"Ow," you whispered under your breath as you looked at the palm of your hand to see little droplets of blood-forming from a small cut, on your thumb.

As a drop fell from your hand you saw that it didn't fall to the ground. infect it just disappeared.

You were just about to investigate this strange occurrence but you were snapped from your thoughts when you herd Liuer fall through a gap in the floor of the cave.

"Lauer are you ok?" you asked n slight panic.

"Yea. Wow, (Y/N) you need to see this" he answered

You then continued to slide down the little slide the young monk had made for you.

As you walked into the cold room you saw Liuer walking around a very large coulomb of almost blue ice. The coulomb also had multiple what looked like monkey hands coming out of it. What also caught your eye was all of the chains that seemed to be going into the ice.

Suddenly you heard a deep voice in almost a whisper say " Touch the hand".

You gasped as you began to look around the room for who could have whispered that only to see that the room was covered in stone carvings of the great Buddha.

With a sigh, you turned to one of the hands that were in the ice and placed your slightly smaller hand onto it.

Realising how cold it was you removed your hand from the ice which left a few drops on the palm of it.

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