"Can you really do that?" Astrid asked, stepping closer to Bruce. Bruce glanced at her. "Not me, not here."

"Well you better find someone and somewhere, fast." Rhodes said. "Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back."

"I know somewhere." Steve commented, drawing the attention back to him.

          ❝THE KINGSGUARD AND THE DORA MILAJE HAVE BEEN ALERTED.❞ Okoye said, walking beside T'Challa as they made their way across the vast field. T'Challa pursed his lips. "And the Border Tribe?"

"Those that are left."

"Send word to Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight." T'Challa ordered to Okoye, smirking.

Okoye lifted her eyebrows for a moment before returning to a grim look. "They will conquer." she jutted her chin forward. "What about this one?"

"This one may be tired of war. But the White Wolf has rested long enough." T'Challa responded, watching as Bucky Barnes and Anastasia threw around hay bails and tended to the goats they were looking after.

Okoye glanced at T'Challa. "And the girl?"

"She will join." he nodded. "She has said she's always wanted to have one more ending fight."

Once down to where they stood, a Wakandian man place a sleek case on a bail, opening it to reveal a black and golden Vibranium arm.

Ana and Bucky walked up to the case. Once see what was stored inside it, she casted Bucky a wary look. Bucky frowned, looking down at a black and gold Vibranium arm. "Where's the fight?"

"On it's way." T'Challa said, pursing his lips. T'Challa looked at Ana, who looked back with a sad smile.

She nodded to him before gently pressing a kiss to his cheek. "C'mon, let's get you ready."

Bucky nodded, lacing their fingers together before allowing her to lead him away with the case in hand.

          ❝IN ALL THE TIME I HAVE SERVED THANOS...I HAVE NEVER FAILED HIM.❞ Maw said, appearing from the shadows. "If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan, with the Time Stone still attacked to your vaguely irritating person...there would be judgement."

Stephen's eyes darted to the sharp crystal spikes that moved closer to his skin. Once a crystal did, it dug painfully into his skin. "Give me..." he moved more crystals closer. "...the Stone."

Stephen pursed his lips, holding back a groan as a crystal inched closer and closer to his eye.

Above, Tony looked down at the situation, trying to come up with some plan in his mind. Behind him, Stephen's cloak tapped his shoulder. Tony flinched in fear, raising his repulser at him. The cloak moved away as Tony lowered his hand. "Wow...you are a seriously loyal piece of outerwear."

"Speaking of loyalty..."

Tony flinched again, snapping his head to the right to see Peter and Lucy both slowly lower from a individual webs. Lucy tilted her head to the side, upside-down. "Hi, Mr. Stark!"

They both flipped off their webs, letting their masks fall back. Peter held out his hands. "I know what you're going to say..."

"You two should not be here." Tony said, raising a finger.

"We were gonna go home—" Lucy said, trying to help Peter. Tony's eyes found her and moved his finger higher. "Ah-ah! I don't wanna hear it!"

"—but it was such a long way down and I just thought about high—"

"And now I gotta hear it!" Tony exclaimed, throwing his arms up.

"—I got stuck to the side of the ship and these suits are amazing by the way, thank you! I mean, I..." Lucy trailed off, biting her lip nervously after receiving the sour look from Tony.

"So, if anything, it's kinda your fault we're here." Peter added with a nod.

Tony moved his head closer, his face rapidly growing angry. "What did you just say?"

Lucy's eyes widened as they both stepped back. "Peter, take that back."

"I take that back. An-and now we're here in space."

"Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be, or her!" Tony said, stepping closer to the teens. Tony looked at her. "Who are you, by the way?"

"Lucy Green, sir." Lucy said, a sudden smile on her face. "Big fan of you. I helped Peter last year. Remember me?"

Tony racked his brain for the memory, before nodding and dismissing it. He bowed his head, getting in between them. He looked back and forth at them. "This isn't Coney island, or some field trip. This is a one-way ticket. Do you hear me? Don't pretend you thought this through."

Peter shook his head. "I did. I did think this through. You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-man if there's no neighbourhood."

There was a pause before Peter shook his head. "Okay, that didn't make sense but you know what I'm trying to say."

Tony sighed before waving the two over. "C'mon you two, we got a situation."

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