Reunions- Rewritten

Start from the beginning

“Go spread your STD’s somewhere else, little Richard.” Aana smirked, jumping in-between me and Gabby on the bed.

“Very funny little bitch, seriously what shall I wear? Come on girls, help a guy out.” He pleaded, looking at Gabby because after Aana she had the most fashion sense.

“God just wear a dark wash jeans and a slim fit white shirt, maybe a black blazer. Wear those boat shoes I got you as well.” Aana muttered, whilst flicking through the channels on the T.V. She’s like a bloody fashion advisor robot.

“Thanks, love you loads Sis. Oh and Jake’s taking you. I kind of let it slip; he said he’ll call you.” He grinned and walked back out. Just as he left Aana’s phone began to ring. Talk of the devil.

“What do you want Jake?”

“No, I’m going alone.”

“Jake I’m not telling you.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

“Fine, I’m wearing coral.”

“No you idiot, it’s a pinky peachy colour.”

“Fine. Don’t be late, I’ll leave without you.”

“Whatever, bye.”

“Lottie your brother is so fucking annoying it’s unbelievable.” Aana cursed, scrunching up her face in disgust.

“What’s he done now?” Gabby chimed in, grinning like she knew something.

“He’s taking me to the reunion and he wanted to know what colour dress I’m wearing.” Aana spat.

“Am I missing something? What’s so bad?” I asked, raising a brow at her. Of course, Jake was a massive asshole but he was generally good looking plus she had a date so she didn’t look like a complete loner.

“MOTHERFUCKER, YOU LIKE JAKE DON’T YOU? AND JAKE LIKES YOU!” Gabby screamed, jumping on top of Aana, so she was straddling her. In an instant, Lottie jumped on to the bed and cornered Aana from her side.

“Of course he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him.” Aana muttered, struggling from underneath Gabby. I knew her well enough to know she was lying, something had happened.

“Oh god, you kissed my brother didn’t you? The day your parents were coming home he was here and downstairs with you then you came up crying and he left. Something happened. Aana what the fuck happened?” Lottie growled.

“No, we didn’t kiss. But I was angry with him when he just strolled in, in front of the reporters so when we got inside I pinned him up against the wall. Of course the sexual innuendos started and I just didn’t realise how close we were and how I started to see him as Jake just Jake. Not your brother and not Jay’s best friend but the guy who stuck up for me and may actually care about me.”

“Jesus Aana, now he knows you like him back he’s never going to let you go.”

“What do you mean Lottie?” Aana asked, climbing out of bed and looking at Lottie.

“God Aana, you’re so stupid. Jake’s always bloody liked you, the only reason he hasn’t done anything is because of me and Jay. Not even me so much but your Jay’s sister, he knows it would never work. Plus you’ve never shown any interest in him.”

“So why is he so horrible to me?”

“Aana are you freaking special? He’s horrible to you because it’s easier to handle it. Even I know that.” Gabby interrupted, rolling her eyes at Aana.

“Whatever, I’m showering first. We have to leave in two hours so start getting ready please.” Aana muttered and walked out.

“She’s in denial. That’s kind of creepy, my best friend and brother. Damn.” Lottie muttered, grabbing the remote control and putting on Letters to Juliet.

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