Thirty Three

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Louis almost couldn't believe the night before

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Louis almost couldn't believe the night before.

His blue eyes stayed trained on Harry's back that was facing him at this current moment as he slept as if he were in a coma. He was even snoring a bit, which showed the smaller man that he was completely knocked out and relaxed.

His tan skin looked unrealistically smooth from the sunlight that was streaming through the blinds covering the two windows in his room. His sheets only covering his lower half that was still naked since he had passed out quickly after their sex.

The blue eyed man had pulled the sheets up to his nose as he curled into the fetal position, his fingers rubbing at the ring. A sweet smile spreading on his lips as he confirmed that it was still on his finger, and that everything that happened was real.

He was actually going to get married. Something he hadn't visualized for himself as of lately.

Harry had come in and changed everything, just as he does.

I can't believe I am going to marry him, his mind repeatedly said as he inspected his skin. It was almost like the first time he had ever seen him naked. He never wanted to look away.

His hand revealed itself from the covers and went to rub at his back, his fingertips delicately tracing shapes on his skin that was tensing the more he touched him. This was how he would previously wake the man up from his slumber.

He needed to see his eyes again. The greens that were so intense, it made him feel like he was in grade school talking to a crush of his. They made him nervous, yet in a way captivated.

"Harry." He whispered, his hand going to massage the back of his neck just as his head was turning to face him. The sight made Louis' heart jump out of his chest.

His chocolate curls were a mess as they brushed off his face to cascade onto the pillow beside him, his lips puffy and pink like the color of bubble gum. His eyelashes fluttered for a moment as he took in a deep breath, exhaling as his eyes opened to reveal his intense greens.

They instantly went to Louis. A blank expression settled on his face as he quickly glanced at every aspect of his face before a soft smile spread on his face.

"I haven't felt that in a while." His deep voice growled, his words slurring together from exhaustion. He closed his eyes as he pushed his face further into the pillow, his lips spreading a bit. "Haven't slept that good, either."

"You were snoring." The smaller man mumbled, biting his lip as his fingers traced Harry's eyebrows that were wild from how his face was meshed with the pillow the whole night.

"I don't snore." The bigger man huffed, pouting his lips.

"I barely slept because of how loud you were." Louis lied, smiling when the man opened his eyes just to roll them before closing them once again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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