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Harry wouldn't like to say that he was surrounded by women

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Harry wouldn't like to say that he was surrounded by women. But he has always attracted them easily.

It started when he was younger and would have numerous flings with females, along with men who always wanted his attention. It was the green eyes. They were so obscene when shining behind his chocolate locks that differed from the typical buzzcut hairstyle.

But then after the red eyes came, it was his dimples that made women always want to start conversation. Due to how he never smiled from his place behind the bar. And the only true moment of happiness was when he took their lives away.

His desire for women had changed though after Louis. All he wanted to do was focus on himself and work on his relationship with Anne who forgave him after several months.

Anne truly did not wish to talk to him but he explained the situation as best as he could and here she was with him and Gemma in his apartment while they watched a Lego movie that the four year old wished to watch.

The mother of the two sat on the left of the couch while Gemma laid in the middle with her head resting on Harry's lap as he played with her dirty blonde hair. His slim fingers raked through the strands delicately as if pulling too hard would lead to them falling out.

He watched with his red eyes as her long eyelashes fluttered with concentration as his gaze remained focused on the screen. He didn't actually know what was happening on the screen because he was more entertained by his half sister who honestly was the world to him now.

When he was on his own, no Louis to keep him company or friends since he never did really have any besides Tim, he would call upon Anne for company. She would occasionally bring Gemma along on their endeavors to the park or ice cream parlors which resulted in the two getting along rather well.

He knew her hopes and dreams. He remembered whether she liked syrup before or after she cut her pancakes. He took note of her favorite color and how she liked her hair for school.

He felt like a brother slash father to the little girl who had stolen his heart.

He never allowed Danielle to meet the two most important women in his life because who the fuck was she? She wasn't someone he was dating. She was a girl who clung on too hard and had her head in the clouds.

"Gemma, do you want to stay over at Harry's tonight or come back home?" Anne's sweet voice asked as she leant forward to see her daughter's reaction. She patiently waited as the small child's lips pursed in thought. "Unless you don't mind it, Harry." She added, making sure her son was comfortable with the idea.

It wasn't the first time that Gemma had stayed the night at Harry's and Anne knew that the man absolutely didn't mind spending time with his younger sister but she had to be sure of it.

"Not at all." The red eyed man smiled, his hands slipping from her hair to her shoulders to squeeze lightly. He was fine with either decision Gemma made.

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