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"Louis?" Catherine's voice called on the outside of his metal apartment door

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"Louis?" Catherine's voice called on the outside of his metal apartment door. Just yesterday she had warned Harry, a terrible bruise on her wrist from the encounter. This will be her proof that he is as dangerous as she says she is. And maybe a few white lies will be involved as well. "Hun, I know you aren't feeling well but I want to help."

At first she thought that the man was in his room, far enough from the door to hear her. Or maybe in the shower where he definitely wouldn't have heard her but when she heard the locks change and saw the door swing open to reveal a puffy eyed Louis, her mindset changed.

He looked like a wreck. With puffy grey eyes and wild bed head. He was in his pajamas but instead of his typical graphic shirt, he was wearing an oversized sweater.

"Oh sweetie," she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him into a hug. The action was not reciprocated but Louis still appreciated her being there.

He was the first one to pull away, turning his back as he walked away from her to go to the kitchen since he knew she would lock the door behind herself.

"I told you I don't feel like talking." He mumbled, pulling out the carton of milk to make himself a bowl of cereal. He heard her heels clacking against the wood flooring as she joined him, leaning against the counter behind him.

"I know, but you know how I don't listen." She shrugged, flipping her hair over her shoulder sassily as she took note of how messy his apartment was with clothes all over the place.

Louis grew quiet for a moment, just focusing on pouring a fair amount of cereal into the bowl before adding the milk. It was cookie crisps since that was his go-to craving whenever he felt in a bad mood, the sight of the little cookies making him feel just a tad better.

"What brings you here, Cat?" He finally asked, turning to face her with his bowl in one hand and his spoon in the other. His grey orbs scanned her from head to toe to see that she was wearing a simple black shirt with blue jeans and vans.

Not her usual fashion-nova outfit.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something." She hummed, rubbing the back of her neck because it was hard for her to just bring it up. Catherine wanted to be suave as per usual and slide into the topic easily but there was really no other way of doing it. "I think you should cut all ties with Harry."

"Ugh," Louis grunted, moving from his spot to walk away from her because if he would have known she wanted to talk about him, he would have just not opened the door. "I don't want to talk about him."

"I know, I know. But he's just so dangerous, Lou-"

"You think I don't know that?" He snapped, his eyes wide as he met her gaze before he simply shook his head and looked down at his fuzzy green socks. "He killed people for gods sake."

Catherine cringed at his response. "Its just that I saw him yesterday and-"

"What?!" Louis roared, taking a step towards her with a wild look in his eyes. "What happened?" His attention was all hers now. It was almost too easy.

Now it was time for her to act again. She furrowed her eyebrows as she dryly swallowed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear shyly while her gaze fell to her heels.

The act of the day was innocence.

"I-I went to talk to him because of how he was making you feel so terrible and he just attacked me. He tried to make me feel horrible for wanting to help you." She explained, quickly looking at him to see if he had bought her little story before it had even gotten good.

She noticed that he was staring at her in confusion which meant that the words were settling into his brain.

"But w-why would you do that?" He questioned, setting his cereal bowl down on the counter before taking a seat on his couch. "I could stand up for myself. It was handled."

"Apparently not because he hurt you. Louis, he even told you that he would kill you if he saw you again." Catherine stated, going to stand in front of him because she needed his full attention as she did this.

After today, Louis would be completely done with him. That was what she wanted. She needed the brunette out of the way.

"When he attacked me, he left me with this." She breathed, showing her wrist that she had been keeping behind her back for this moment. She watched as his eyes widened once again, his hands going to lightly touch the dark purple bruise.

Harry had originally broken her wrist entirely but the pain was so unbearable that she had healed the fracture with her magic and left the mark so that she could show her friend.

"Oh my god." Louis gasped, releasing her wrist to lean back on the couch as a look of amazement flashed over his face. He couldn't believe that Harry would be so aggressive as to attack her. After knowing that she was his friend after all.

He was getting out of control.

"And I don't mean to add more salt on the wound but I think he may have done something to Liam."

Louis stood up quickly at that, causing her to take a few steps back in shock at how fast he responded.

"Harry would never kill Liam. He would have told me." He reasoned, raising his hand to bite on his nails as he paced lightly. "Well, maybe not bluntly that he did it but he would let me know that he was no longer with us."

Catherine placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him, her eyes meeting his as she pulled on her facade once again. "You don't know what he's capable of, Lou. He could have done it behind your back and lied to you all this time." She commented.

Louis looked down for a second, his face showing that the possibility of such a thing being true wasn't impossible. His eyebrows furrowed as he closed his eyes tightly, shaking his head slowly.

"I-I," he whispered, moving back while his arms wrapped around his shoulders. "I don't know what to say." He admitted, his chest feeling tight from all the thoughts racing through his brain.

Catherine smirked for a second, pulling on her mask once again when she saw his grey eyes open to reveal tears forming.

"You don't have to say anything, sweetie." She cooed, pulling him into his arms with her arms wrapping around his torso while he held himself. The side of her head pressed against his, her hand going to run through his hair as he crumbled in her hold. "The best thing to do is just separate yourself from him. Let him live his own life, while you live yours. All I want is for you to be safe and happy."

Louis let out a soft whimper as his emotions took over. "Thank you so much." He cried out, wrapping his arms around her waist while his body trembled with his sobs.

It was the idea that Harry would do something such as killing his ex behind his back, that had him wailing like a child. He hated Liam but he was still someone he had an emotional connection with.

He was never good with removing all ties from someone after their relationship was over.

"Oh, Louis. Anytime." She hummed.

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