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"I saw Louis the other day," Anne hummed as she scooped a large spoonful of white rice onto the light pink plate with one of the Disney princesses in the center

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"I saw Louis the other day," Anne hummed as she scooped a large spoonful of white rice onto the light pink plate with one of the Disney princesses in the center. Her back was towards Harry who was already sat at the dinner table, watching Gemma color in one of her books.

Her small tongue was poked out in concentration as she leaned closely to the page, her hazel orbs remaining focused on staying in the lines.

"Oh yeah?" He replied, his ruby orbs not leaving Gemma even though his heart had began to pick up the pace. His finger tips twitched as he waited for her to continue, causing him to move his hands between his thighs in anticipation.

"Yeah, he works at that CD Store just across the street from me. He seems to be doing well. He looks the same without those blues."

Harry clenched his jaw at that. His mind was racing because he had visited Anne many times at work and never once gave the store a glance. He was hiding in plain sight.

What if I could have ran into him? Would he care? The curly haired man contemplated, his chest burning at just the thought of seeing Louis in a setting where it was just them too alone.

Anne turned on her heel, bringing the plate to the table. She mumbled for Gemma to take a break from coloring, placing her food down on the wooden table.

After Mark had passed away, Anne had been on her own with Gemma and Harry had felt so horrible about that, so he made a plan to have dinner with her every Sunday evening and for the past year he has been following through with that plan. He would sit in her husband's seat, at the head of the table, while Anne sat on the other end with Gemma in the middle.

"Now, I don't know the new trends these days but the changing eye color and all of that is absolutely the weirdest thing." Anne commented, motioning towards her hazel orbs with wiggling fingers. She shook her head before returning to making their plates.

"Its probably just a phase." The curly haired man muttered, resting his elbows against the table while his hands rubbed aggressively at his tired eyes. The vibration of his phone ringing repeatedly buzzed against his thigh, making him more agitated.

His chest felt tight from all of the stress he had been going through with his job, Danielle, Louis, and his family. And the damn curse doesn't make anything better.

He hasn't had a solid night of sleep in a week because of his dark urges, worming nightmares into his brain to wake him up before bringing the pain onto his side.

Somehow, it has found a way to skip over the warning signs of his tingling finger tips and now just brings the stabbing ache in his side and within minutes, his body will feel on fire.

"Well, that phase is strange." She sighed, setting down his plate in front of him, turning on her heel to take a seat at the end of the table.

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