Twenty Nine

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Louis clenched his jaw as he rested his forearms against his counter, his gaze going to the curly haired man who was lounging on his sofa as if he owned the damn thing

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Louis clenched his jaw as he rested his forearms against his counter, his gaze going to the curly haired man who was lounging on his sofa as if he owned the damn thing.

His muscular arms spread out to rest on the cushions beside his head while his legs were kicked up onto the coffee table, messing up the design of delicately placed magazines on the surface.

The blue eyed man took note of how the man has been watching television for the past hour, chanting at the football game as if he were there at the game in person. It was almost annoying.

He's too comfortable, Louis thought as he shook his head.

Honestly, the smaller man was in the kitchen plotting for a way to end his relationship with his green eyed neighbor who obviously wasn't taking the hint. He had no idea how to break it to Keith, but what he did know was that he wanted to be with Harry. Who was clearly nervous about giving him another chance.

He has never once invited him to his apartment and denies any activities that involves going to Louis'. The most the man has done is give him a kiss on the cheek, which was once after their dinner date with Niall and Zayn.

It has been only two weeks since the two of them had agreed to reignite their relationship with a few restrictions, but it was already driving Louis crazy that he couldn't kiss Harry until the taller man felt comfortable. It made him feel like he was in High school all over again.

"Hey, Lou. Can you bring me a soda?" Keith's voice called, snapping the smaller man from his thoughts. His green eyes didn't even leave the screen as he waited.

The smaller man furrowed his eyebrows because it confused him as to why the man thought it was acceptable to lounge on his couch, scream at his tv, eat his snacks, and drink his drinks.

What really confused him was why he was still entertaining their relationship even though he had promised Harry that he was completely involved in whatever they were doing. Truly, it bothered him that he had to make such a choice as this one because he was never good with making important decisions.

He was honestly interested in Keith, ready to give him a chance. Until Harry came barreling back in, reminding him of how exciting his life was with the killer.

So, now he had to cut a few strings. Not only to show Harry that he was serious but himself as well.

"No, I can't." He blurred out, his mouth taking control before his mind could.

Keith sat upwards in his seat, his attention averting from the television to the blue eyed man who was stepping out of the kitchen and entering the living room. "Excuse me?" He questioned, standing to his feet once the smaller man was close enough.

Louis was feeling a bit of anxiety as he tilted his head in order to keep eye contact. "I don't like you just sitting on my couch and using up all my things." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest sternly.

A confused look flashed over the neighbor's face as he tried to understand what was happening.

"Louis, it's not that serious. It just soda and chips. I could even go to my own apartment and get those things." The taller man retorted, his tone sounding almost condescending as he scanned the man from head to toe with his eyes. "What's going on with you?" He asked in shock.

"Nothing is going on with me. I'm just realizing that you have been coming to my apartment and using up my supplies. I mean, the other day I went shopping for snacks and you came and ate basically all of them. I barely even got to enjoy it for myself."

"I told you I was sorry about that. I just missed lunch that day and your pantry was filled with everything I liked." The man shrugged, taking a few steps forward so that he could wrap his arms around Louis' waist. His large hands rested on the small of his back while their chests were pressed flush against each other.

At one point, Louis would have loved to be held by the green eyed man this way. But now, all he could think about was what Harry would think if he walked in on them at this very moment. So he took a step back; out of his grasp.

"Don't grab me like that right now." He warned, his gaze deadly as he glared at his neighbor.

"What's up with you?!" Keith exclaimed, his hand going to roughly comb through his hair. "You're acting really weird right now. Is this because of your ex? Is he why you're giving me the cold shoulder?"

There was a moment of silence after he mentioned Harry, making the smaller man close his eyes for a second so that he could take a deep breath and collect his thoughts.

Was he really going to break-up with someone for Harry? Did this mean that no one else had a chance with him? Was Harry the one?

"This has nothing to do with him." Louis snapped, "This is about us. And to be completely honest, I don't think that this is working out."

"Are you serious? Conveniently, when your ex resurfaces, now we aren't working out. That is such bullshit." Keith spat, crossing his arms over his chest as he towered over the blue eyed man.

It was strange to see the usually peaceful man angry. Almost as if he was completely acting out of character.

"I've been feeling this way for a bit." Louis admitted, rubbing the back of his neck so that he could avoid eye contact as he said: "I don't see this relationship as one that I can take serious. I just wanted a fling, something without labels that was fun for the both of us. It's starting to get real. And I don't think I am ready to be with someone else right now."

The neighbor took a step back in disbelief as all the words he had just said registered in his brain. He caught on to how Louis had basically just said that their relationship was just for sex, and how he said that it 'was' fun. Past tense.

"But it wasn't like I was forcing you into a relationship right now. I was just relaxing on your couch and then you sprung this up on me. I seriously don't get it." Keith replied, his head shaking in dismay as he plopped down onto the sofa with his hands rubbing at his face tiredly.

"Keith, I am sorry but I do not want to see you anymore."

"Hm," The man hummed, nodding in confirmation as he stood to his feet once again, not sparring the smaller man a glance because his pride was terribly bruised. "Alright." He breathed, using this as a chance to excuse himself from the apartment since he had nothing else to say.

Louis awkwardly watched as he unlocked the door before venturing out towards the hallway. He went and shut the door quickly before he could change his mind, his chest huffing as he rapidly took in short breaths to calm himself because he has never been someone who ended relationships.

Yet here he was breaking up with everyone left and right.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, cleaning the sofa and shutting off the television before grabbing his keys and exiting the apartment because he needed to get out of there. He needed to go somewhere where he will feel better about himself.

And he knew just where to go.

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