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Louis huffed as he rested his elbow against the counter from his place behind the desk

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Louis huffed as he rested his elbow against the counter from his place behind the desk. He has been at work for about three hours and he was absolutely bored.

Catherine couldn't go to visit him since she was with some booty call and he had no other friends besides her. His coworkers were nice people but he vowed to himself never to get attached to those who work at the same place as him incase he had to leave for some reason.

Less connections, the better.

"Tomlinson," A voice called, making him stand straight immediately. His grey eyes went towards the back door, watching as his manager emerged with furrowed brows.

He was a middle-aged man with a few grey hairs on the side of his hair, messing with his jet black strands that raced down to his neck. The man had hazel eyes that were usually blue on most days and green on the others while he had thin lips and a not very welcoming smile.

He was a rough man. That was all Louis knew about him.

"Yes, sir?" His light voice responded, mentally cringing at what he has to call his boss because Tim never enforced titles. It was always 'call me whatever you like, just get the job done.'

"A few customers have complained about how some genres are being mixed. Tristan started on the rock section and Meredith finished the religious area. I need you to do the pop and children."

Louis wanted to deny and say that someone had to man the cash register but he was the only one working in the small shop that day and if someone were to come in then he could just stop what he was doing to assist. Either way, he knew it would be too much work for just him.

"Shouldn't you leave something for Edward?" He questioned, rubbing the back of his neck at the thought of all the work he had to do. "Sir?" He added, since this was his boss after all.

"I'm leaving him with the rap section." The manager, Michael, stated with a tone of authority. His green eyes scanned the desk for any sort of mess until he saw that it was neat, gazing up to make eye contact with his employee. "Get to it." He finished, patting the desk lightly before stalking off to the back door where he closed the door behind himself.

"Get to it." Louis mimicked, rolling his eyes just as he was rounding the desk to go to the pop area. He stood awkwardly while he blankly stared at the shelf that was supposed to be alphabetized but was now a mess.

His coworker Edward had slight OCD which involved him making sure that the store was in order and since he was in tight with the boss, his order was enforced on all employees to make sure the store is well kept and alphabetized.

Louis had no idea where to start. It was a long section and if he truly wanted to waste time, he could take the disks out and organize them on the floor.

But that takes a lot of work and he is supposed to be there until closing which is around seven. He checked his watch, groaning as he saw that it was only two.

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