Twenty Five

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Louis shifted uncomfortably in his chair for the fifth time as he stared at the one-way mirror as if he could make out the outline of someone who was watching him from behind the glass

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Louis shifted uncomfortably in his chair for the fifth time as he stared at the one-way mirror as if he could make out the outline of someone who was watching him from behind the glass. Of course he saw nothing.

He took the time to take in the fact that his eyes were blue once again, noticing how the color popped from underneath his chestnut hair unlike his previous grey eyes.

He also noticed how sunken in his cheeks had become from not eating as much as he did when he was with the curly haired man. He almost looked like a completely different person.

He was aware of what the cops were doing as he waited for what felt like a life time in the interrogation room.They were trying to make him antsy. And it was working. The longer he waited, the quicker he wanted to just spill his guts and get the hell out of there.

All he worried about was what Zayn had done with the body. And if Harry was alright. Where ever he was.

Once the two of them had gotten to the station, they were separated and placed into different interrogation rooms. The only thing Louis knew was that Harry's room was across the hall and that the cuffs placed on his wrists were too tight.

He could recall the red eyed man complaining about them on the ride to the station in the back of the cop car. He also remembered how badly he wanted to alleviate that pain.

Louis expected for his feelings towards Harry to change after he was released from his spell, but he was shocked that even after all this time, he was still in love with the man.

But the difference between before and now was that he kept whatever Harry had done in his mind. It was not a blind love that overlooked all the horrible things the curly haired man had said and done. He was aware that Harry was on the verge of being crazy from stalking, drugging, and kidnapping him. And that he was a shitty person for threatening him after their night together even though the smaller man absolutely deserved it.

Yet he still loved him anyways.
Maybe he was in it for the long haul.
Or maybe he just knew that no one could bring the excitement that Harry always did.

Louis was immediately pulled from his thoughts as he watched the door crack open to reveal the female officer from earlier stroll into the room with a cup of coffee in one hand and a folder in the other.

"Comfortable?" She asked, pulling the chair from across the blue eyed man out from underneath the table before sliding gracefully into the seat.

"I've been better." He replied, already disliking the woman for her very nonchalant attitude.

She chuckled lightly at that, setting her coffee down onto the table before opening the file and tilting it so that Louis was not able to make out anything it said.

Louis took a chance and used the reflective mirror so that he could see the papers, his eyebrows furrowing as he saw several papers with the name 'STYLES' printed in bold. He could also see the edge of a few papers that looked to be photographs, making him cringe because he didn't want to see what Harry had done to people.

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