Twenty Six

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Louis let out a deep breath as his blue eyes gazed up towards the ceiling of his bedroom

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Louis let out a deep breath as his blue eyes gazed up towards the ceiling of his bedroom. He was laying on his back with his arms limp by his sides as his legs were spread out.

A few strands of hair were in his eyes but he was so zoned out that it almost didn't bother him. His mind was absolutely somewhere else.

He had previously begun practicing meditation, so, every morning he would lay and clear his thoughts while taking in and releasing deep breaths. Usually his thoughts were clear though.

Not today.

Today his mind was littered with remnants of Harry. What his eyes looked like, how swollen his lips were, how large his hands were, and the beauty of the rings that decorated such long fingers. He also noticed the man's attitude.

How protective he was when they arrived at the apartment with the police officers, his concerned nature coming alive when they were into back of the police car, the fear in his eyes when he spoke to the smaller man from behind the jail cell bars.

Harry was taking over his thoughts and completely ruining his meditation.

But there was a reasonable explanation as to why he was focusing so hard on the curly haired man because just the day before, he was trapped inside a cage at the police station, and now Louis apparently has to go to Gemma's school for an event that he has no part of.

He did not want to be a jerk and tell Harry that he could not visit the school because then he would inevitably feel horrible about himself. Also, including the fact that the taller man was basically begging him to go.

Louis had absolutely no idea where the small girl's school was which meant that he would have to call Anne. And he seriously did not want to speak to her. Especially when she had a part in his kidnapping. But he had to put that aside, no matter how drastic that sounds because a child is involved. A small girl that the chestnut haired man was actually fond of.

So with a sigh, the small man zoned back into reality, sitting up slowly so that he could grab his phone that was on the night table. His fingers slid across the screen and found the contacts application, moving down the list of 'As' until he saw Anne (Harry's Mom).

He paused for second, questioning his actions for just a moment before shrugging and calling the woman. The dial tone rang and he knew that it was not too early because he had actually set an alarm to wake him up before his usual afternoon schedule. He had to be available to show up for Gemma.

"Hello? Louis?" Anne's voice responded after a few rings, causing him to rub at the bridge of his nose with the tips of his fingers. "Is that you sweetie?"

"Yes," He hissed, clearing his throat since this was the first time he had spoken after waking up. His voice was still groggy but understandable. "It's me."

"Oh, dear. How are you doing? I swear, I didn't want to be involved with what my son was planning but he said that it was the best thing." She rambled on, sounding honestly confused towards the end of her sentence. She let out an audible deep breath, "I'm still unsure with what he meant by that."

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