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The sun streamed into the room peacefully as it rose outside, illuminating the sky from the brutal darkness of the night

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The sun streamed into the room peacefully as it rose outside, illuminating the sky from the brutal darkness of the night. The thin black cloth that covered the windows allowed a bit of light in, not bothering the two sleeping men as they sprawled over their shared bed.

One was naked, his pale skin glowing as he laid next to his partner who had an all-year natural tan. His blonde hair was wild from his late night activities with the man that he loved. Strands falling into his eyes while his mouth was wide open, light snore slipping past his pale lips.

The other was brief clad, his chest and legs bare to put his tattoos on full show. He was trapped under the blonde man with his back pressed against the bed while an arm kept him pinned down.

Zayn was not joking when he said that Niall was basically dead when he was asleep.

The dark haired man was in the middle of being awake and asleep. His mind was active while he couldn't seem to open his eyes. It was almost like he didn't want to wake up and begin his day.

He would stay trapped under Niall's dead weight if that meant that he didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day. But life didn't work like that.

He groaned as he slipped from under his arm, his feet molding against the cold floor one foot at a time. A yawn passed by his lips as he stood, stretching his arms over his head.

The brunette padded out of the room lazily, going straight into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal. Cocoa puffs were the number one choice at the moment so he poured himself a full bowl since he was starving from not eating the night before.

"Boo." He pouted when saw that the bag was empty after he filled the bowl half way, a sigh leaving his lips as he placed the box onto the counter. He then went to the fridge, open the door and bending over to see that there was no milk.

"Really?" He questioned with a bit of frustration, hating when Niall forgets to swing by the grocery store after work.

Zayn shook his head before plopping himself down onto the couch, his hand digging into the dry cereal since that was the only way he would be able to eat it.

It had been about a month since the two of them had gotten married and Zayn couldn't be any happier. It had already felt that they were eloped due to how they were already living together for quite some time but just the sight of the ring on Niall's finger made him ecstatic.

He didn't see himself with anyone else.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." He heard suddenly, making him jump as he heard a loud thud coming from their bedroom.

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