"Oops!" He muttered to himself as his hands desperately wiped at his face, cleaning himself off. A deep shade of blush dusted over his cheeks as a sweet smile spread on his face because even though he wasn't expecting Harry, he was still happy to see him.

"Hi." Harry breathed, any trace of anxiety disappearing into thin air as he relaxed his stance. His hands slid into his pockets casually as he accepted Louis' silent invitation to enter his apartment.

"What brings you here so late?" Louis questioned, his arms wrapping around himself as if he was exposed except he was dressed in a washed out graphic tee and a pair of boxers. His hair was wild as if he had just woken up but the television was on and the pillows on the couch were rearranged so it was obvious he was wide awake before he had came.

"Uhm," The curly haired man hummed, his gaze flickering all over the room from the living room to the kitchen as he thought about what he wanted to say until he mentally told himself to chill out. As calm as his body felt, his palms were still sweaty and his mouth was tongue-tied. "I'm a bit drunk." He admitted.

Louis laughed at that, revealing his sunshine smile. "Oh really now? And if you were, let us say a 'bit' drunk, why would you walk all the way over to my place? At such a late time, might I add." He asked, rubbing at his chin dramatically as if he were a police officer interrogating a suspect.

He had even begun to pace as he rambled on with predictions, making the taller man's chest burn with adoration as he watched him. His face screamed how smitten by the half lidded eyes and closed mouth smile that remained on his face as his head followed the smaller man.

"I wanted to see you." Harry simply said, causing Louis to give him a fond look before he padded over to him, wrapping his arms around his neck as he raised on his tiptoes to place a kiss on his heart shaped lips.

"That has to be the corniest thing you have ever said to me." The blue eyed man chuckled, pulling back to scan the man's face with his glowing orbs. He was beaming so hard that the killer thought his face was going to break from how hard he was smiling.

It was then that he felt like its as the right time to do it.

He knew he would have no other chance when Louis wasn't paying attention to his actions and in that very moment, he had a burning desire to express his love towards the man who he felt deserved it.

So with that, he slipped his hands from his pockets, the black box held tightly in the grip of his right hand and the lid flipped open by his thumb.

"I'm happy you came." Louis giggled, his attention remaining focused on Harry's eyes until he pulled away. His hands rubbed at his arms as he took in the sight of the beautiful man, his gaze trailing from his exposed chest to his outstretched hand. "Harry..." He whispered as his jaw slacked at the sight of the diamond ring that resided in the small black box.

Here we go.

Wait, what the fuck do I say?


"What are you doing? Tell me that isn't what I think it is." The smaller man snapped, his tone changing into a serious one as he looked between the ring and the fearful look on the man's face.

"I think it's a diamond ring. I don't know what you think it is." Harry shrugged, a sweet smile spreading on his face as he shyly lowered himself down onto one knee despite the other man's protests.

"W-What is it doing in your hand?"

"Well," The green eyed man exhaled as he grabbed at Louis' left hand, encasing it in his hold. By now he had sobered himself up, his mind racing with things to say until his thoughts went silent because he didn't want to overthink it. He was going to wing it. "I was hoping it would go on your ring finger on this hand that I have right here because I want to marry you."

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