Chaptyr Numero Uno

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Chaptyr Numero Uno

************Michele’s POV***********

So life officially sucks…I’m serious this time. All of my friends are awesome, but they don’t even see that in each other sometimes. I’m like the glue that holds them together, but this glue just got a little old, a little crusty, and very very delicate. They just don’t understand how stupid the things that they fight about are. It’s not even about “what they’re fighting about”…its different after what happened.  It changed all of our lives, and I guess I was the only one who really moved on and got back on track. Whatever…I really don’t even care about them anymore because it’s affecting me now, and that’s not okay. I guess my friends aren’t awesome, because they dnt even realize the pain that they are causeing me. I mean I guess it’d really not that big of a deal how I feel, I mean it could be worse. I could be Bella and got ditched in the woods. All I know is that if these fights escalate, we’re all in for some friken  Pretty Little Liars drama and I really don’t think that I’ll be able to take that.

“Michele, what’s up? Why you so quiet” Siva asked me as I looked up from my phone. I obviously wasn’t doing anything on there so basically he caught me staring into space…again.He must have come upstairs and I hadn’t heard him.  I didn’t know how to respond so I kinda just ignored what he said and looked away from him. It was always awkward making eye contact with him because I knew he liked me, everyone did. He’s sweet and all but I’m really just not that interested. I felt bad for not responding and I expected him to walk away but he stayed put. As usual he was stubborn and kept asking questions.

“It’s about them isn’t it? I know it’s killing you like it’s killing me. It hurts so much to see them all act like this. I know it’s hard but we are gonna get though this --“

“What do you mean by we Siva? Our friends hate each other. It’s basically every man for himself now.” I barked cutting him off.

“It doesn’t have to be like that M.” I hated when he called me that. I’m not his girlfriend so why even try to make a move now. “We could stick together. Not Everyone. Not every man for himself. Us, me and you.”

“I don’t like you!” I yelled. I don’t want to go out with you, I don’t want you to like me. I want to be alone, because if that’s the way my friends want to go then I’m right there with them. ALONE  with them.”

I could tell that he was about to say something but I couldn’t take anymore of his words that didn’t help. So I did the worst thing I could in that situation. I stood up and while I ran away and out of the house I screamed back “And you’re not my friend, so don’t stick around.”

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