Chapter 3: This is a curse!

Start from the beginning

Fuck! Is he stuck in a fucking time loop or something?! What kind of a shitty curse is this?!


Unaware of the struggle Katsuki's currently going through, Izuku has found himself staring at his finished drawing with a blank look. It's good that he manage to complete his work but... Izuku found himself stuck with another problem.

Whenever Izuku thought about Kaito, he'll automatically think about making him cooler. And now... he realized that he has created something that might make the Kaito's fangirls go wild with their fangirling. What Izuku has drawn on his paper is a wounded Kaito that has his shirt torn away in the middle of a battle, revealing his bare chest...

Like... how did it ended up like this?!

Izuku has no idea why this scene taken place in the middle of a battle and he has no idea how he can turn 'coolest' into some kind of a 'fan service'! Those muscle and that freaking abs is like a freaking blessing to the Kaito's fangirls!

"If this is what Kacchan's body look like under our school uniform..."

Oh god! Why must his brain act like this?! He doesn't have the time to think about those things!! He need to redo his work from scratch right away!!

Turning to a new blank page, Izuku starts to work on his drawing at a lighting speed. As a mangaka's assistant who is always rushing for the deadline, it wouldn't take him long to finish a piece of simple drawing!

The sound of the raindrops hitting against the classroom's closed window caught Izuku attention and he looked up. The sky has gotten dark and it is raining heavily. Not to mention that it has gotten slightly chilling. Even though Izuku's looking at the window, his hands is still busy with the drawing.

"Ah, it's raining."

"Come to think about it, the weather forecast did said it might be raining today."

"Crap, I forgot to bring my umbrella!"

"It'll be alright. This rain won't last for long and it will stop soon enough."

Izuku listen to the conversion that his classmates is having. Hearing that the rain will stop before school end is a huge relief to him. Just like one of his classmates, he has forgotten his umbrella as well. The thought of sharing an umbrella with Katsuki... sounds like a dream come true. It would be a scene from a shoujo manga! Maybe he can get to experience it one day?

That aside, seeing this rain remind him of the battle that Kaito had with one of the villain characters. It took place in the forest, under the rain as well. The amount of effort they put into the background has been time consuming but it turns out great. The panel with Kaito standing under the rain, looking at the sky is... utterly stunning and beautiful.

The water dripping from his spiky hair and the clothes that has gotten wet from the rain is more than enough to become every Kaito's fangirls family heirloom.

Turning his attention back to his work, Izuku froze when he saw what he has drawn.

Unlike the first time, Kaito is now completely shirtless and he looks like he just came out of the shower, running his hand through his wet hair. It feels weird for Izuku to be saying this but... hallelujah! Holy Jesus! He's so handsome and sexy!!

No wait... his art has been affected by his thoughts!! Why did it turn out like this again?!

"I kind of wanted to see Kacchan like this..."

Izuku wanted to slap himself for this. Seriously, why can't his brain shut up?!

If anyone were to saw what he just draw, they will surly think that he has some kind of a weird fantasies about Katsuki... which he did but that's not the point right now!

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