Boss 2

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I sped over to Anya's house. I felt anxiety bloom in my chest and take over my stomach. I wanted to vomit when I thought about telling her what happened. She would be crushed. I kept thinking about what her last boyfriend did to her, was I doing the same thing to her? Was I hurting her in the same way that he had? The thought for waiting for Anya entered my head. But then where would Lily be? I would have never giver her a chance. I would still have my virginity.  For the first time that day I realized I lost my virginity. I felt even more sick. Why did I sleep with her? What made me do that? I was so upset that I actually went through with it. I pulled up to Anya's house feeling about 10 times worse. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. She answered immediately and almost knocked me over with a hug. I couldn't help myself. "I have to tell you something."

She pulled away from the hug and took a step back. "What?"

"I did something really bad and you are going to hate me for it."

"Andy, you're scaring me."

"I totally understand if you never want to see me again."

"You met someone?" Her voice sounded defeated.

"Sort of."

She didn't say anything got a while. "I can't blame you. I was sort of blowing you off."

"Yeah but I should have waited for you to be ready instead of just rushing off and sleeping with someone."

Anya's face flushed. "You slept with someone?"

"Yeah isn't that what you meant?"

"I meant like a girlfriend not a fuck buddy." She said harshly. "What? Were you just tired of waiting around for me to suck your dick?" Anya was biting her words. I'd never heard her talk like that before. She was cold.

"No it wasn't like that at all I just-"

"No I got it." She started to turn to her room but I stepped inside and grabbed her arm. She whipped towards me with eyes that could kill and I knew right away that I was wrong for touching her.

"I wasn't thinking."

"Oh I'm sure you weren't. In the mean time I've been over here feeling sorry for myself thinking I was giving you the cold shoulder while I was figuring myself out but you were already inside another woman."

"Another? Come on Anya it's not like we had sex. We weren't even dating."

"Andy I really don't want to talk about this right now. I was going to tell you that I really liked you and that I was ready to be in a relationship and here you are telling me you slept with someone."

"Look Anya I don't know what to do anymore. I just lost my virginity and I'm freaking out about it."

"Yeah that happens." She said coldly. Her words were like ice.

"Anya will you please just talk to me."

"I am talking to you Andy. I'm just a little in shock right now. I didn't realize you're morals were so lose."

She went there. Anger flooded me. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize Felix fingering you on a second date was morally correct."

Something on Anya's face broke. I knew as soon as I said it, it was wrong. It wasn't my place to bring that up. That wasn't like me to be so low. Anya went white. She looked at the ground and when she finally looked back up at me there were tears in her eyes. "I think you should go Andy. We both have a lot going on right now. " Her voice sounded soft and weak. I just nodded and walked to the door feeling numb. "I'll be praying for you Andy." was the last thing she said to me before closing the door.  


"You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever met in my life!" Jordan said.

"Thank you."

"You really told her??"

"Was that wrong??"

"YES!" he slammed his hands on the table. "It's called playing the field!! You aren't exclusive with either of them! You should have heard Anya out to see what she had to say and base your decision off of that. You could have heard her talk and realize you were into Lily and just told Anya that you just didn't feel that way for her anymore, OR realized Anya is your dream girl and that you were just hurt and did something reckless with Lily."

"But either way someone gets hurt."

"Well yeah. That's how dating goes. No matter what you fucked up in someones eyes."

"I don't like that." I sunk down on the couch.

"That's dating for you." I stared at the blank tv. "Oh no dude. You aren't going to come into my house and just mope around all day."

"What? Where do I go?"

"Anywhere but here. Maybe go talk to Lily about it?"

"What should I tell her?"

"I don't care. What do you want to tell her?"

"That last night was really fun." Jordan moved over the couch and sat on the arm.

"So tell her that."

"But what about Anya?"

"Andy if you cared about Anya then you should't have slept with Lily. But you did so you must feel something for her. You aren't going to fix what happened with Anya. You messed up bro."

I put my face in my hands. "Oh God. I went off on her. I said some really mean things."

"Do you want me to talk to Kelli about it? I think she's just with Taylor right now."

"Sure. Yeah, maybe that'll make me feel better."

Jordan pulled out his phone and dialed Kelli's number. "Hey there Ms. GraceKelli. Whoah, hey hold on what?" My nerves spiked. What happened to Anya?  "Who? Okay okay where are you now? Which one? Is Anya there? Okay I'm on my way just hold on....Of course, anything for you. We'll be there in a second."

"What happened?"

I didn't get a response, all Jordan did was dial another number and looked at me. "Hey Taylor. I need you to meet me at the hospital on South okay? Jay's in the ER." I knew that that meant. I grabbed my coat. "Maybe you should stay here okay? Anya's on her way and Kelli doesn't need you two fighting right now."

"I can be civil!"

"Anya can't."

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