Level 16

21 2 5

GraceKelli's POV

I died. The only thing is that I couldn't tell whether I was in Heaven or in Hell. I had gotten what I wanted...in a way. But what was to come of it? I was now a home wrecker? What would happen to Amber when I got to school. I was dead. As soon as Taylor's soft lips met mine a knife went through my heart. My head felt dizzy as his arms circled around me. The whole world seemed to tilt and I began to realize that this was my first kiss. In the middle of this run down comic book shop in front of everyone. Even though my eyes were glued shut, something dark enveloped me. I felt weightless as panic consumed me. I had died.


When Kelli walked in I was in shock. I'm sure my face was red. It's always red. But she was certainly a knockout. With her green flannel coming off one shoulder and her hair slipping into her face. I finally understood what Anya meant when she would say Kelli wasn't conventionally attractive. Her hair looked too long for her body and while Anya tried with makeup you could tell Kelli wasn't used to wearing it since it was smudged around her eyes. We all knew she had been crying. Jordan got up and made the first move. After seeing her eyes dart from one person to the next her and her skinny hunched shoulders sat down. She pulled her overly long sleeves into her hands and balled them into fist. Kelli really was nervous outside the screen. One or two people had walked in since Kelli arrived. Every time the door would ring I looked over a little too enthusiastically waiting for Anya to get there. After a while of talking I heard the door ring and when I looked up this time I hit Zach on the leg. It was a guy about Kelli and I's age. He looked like a good target for Kelli to mess up on. Let's face it, she was going to nose dive into failure but hey you have to start somewhere right? 

"Look!" Zach lit up when he saw the guy knowing just what I was talking about. Ryan looked over at him confused but adoringly. I wonder how long its going to be before they realize that we all notice that they are holding hands under the table. They aren't subtle. "There's a guy. Go talk to him. He's in a comic book shop so you know he's a total nerd." Kelli rolled her eyes and but to everyone's surprise got up and started walking over to him.

"Fuck she did it." I said.

"Do you know him?" Ryan asked Zach.

"Never seen him before in my life."

"Guys I think she chickened out." Jordan said quickly. We all looked over and saw her speed walking back to the table.

Zach sat up, "What's wrong?"

"That's him!" Kelli said full panic. Seeing her so shaky make me feel uneasy. She really was bad. She looked like she was on the verge of crying.

What Kelli didn't notice is that who ever him was, was following her. He looked like he was about to explode. I started to get up to help Kelli out when he taped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me." She turned and when she did he kissed her. The whole table seemed to erupt in shouts. All of us yelling.

"What do you think you're doing?!"



"Back off dude!!" As we all rushed over the guy started to let go of Kelli in shock of the noise. Then all at once we dove to catch Kelli as she was free falling to the ground. The guy caught her just before she hit the floor.

"Who the fuck are you dude?" Ryan said shoving him off her.

"Look I swear I didn't know she was going to faint." He looked panicked too. He look back to Kelli. "Grace. Grace come on wake up." 

"Who the fuck is Grace?"

"Dude you got the wrong girl."

"Why don't you just l-"

Just then the door rang on top of all the commotion. I didn't look up but the heard the voice of a very very very fucking angry angel. "TAYLOR?!" Anya shouted over everyone. We all got very quiet. The guy-Taylor-looked at her.

"Anya??" he was clearly confused.

"What the fuck? Get away from her!" Anya came running over. She looked so cute today. Sides of her hair pulled back with a sweater and skirt and her cute combat boots. This is not the time Andy! "Are you fucking deaf get the hell away before I punch you like I punch your bitch." She was really mad. All the guys took a step away. Except Taylor.

"Anya look I know Grace it's okay." 

"Who the fuck is Grace?" Just then it hit me.

"GRACEKELLI MOTHERFUCKER!!" I yelled a little too loud.

"Andy what the fuck?" Jordan said.

"Who calls Kelli Grace?"

"Prince but-" Ryan stopped at looked at Taylor. "No fucking way."

"I was trying to help." Taylor said looking hurt.

"Well good fucking luck with that asshole." Anya wasn't phased. "Get off of her."

"I just thought-"

"Sneaking up and kissing her?!?! She's never been kissed before!!!"

"WHAT?!?! FUCK ME." Taylor shouted. Finally a worker come out from the storage room.

"What the heck is happening over here?"

Just then Kelli started to wake up. Her eyes fluttered. We all rushed in closer.

GraceKelli's POV

When I opened my eyes there were 7 head peering over me. I felt trapped, like something was holding me down. I looked to my body to see arms trapped me. I looked up and saw Taylor sitting and me on his lap. Anya was there too, and they guys and a stranger I didn't know I started to panic nothing seem right everything in the world seem off like every thing ha been tilted just a little bit I started hyperventilating while every one was asking me questions. The panic was consuming me. I saw only one choice. I staggered to my feet while everyone else continued to ask questions. Taylor never took his eyes off me and I hated it. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Prince. I turned away from everyone. When the phone stopped ringing I started talking as fast as I could. "Prince!" I was crying. "I think I'm dying. I can't breath and I messed up today and I really just want to see you right now and you please come to the comic shop."

There was pause. The room was full of thick smoke and I couldn't find any air. "Grace it's me."

"What?" I could barely get the word out.

"Turn around." I slowly turned to see everyone looking at me with a weird expression on their faces. And then I saw Taylor, with a phone to his ear. "I told you I'd kiss you when I saw you in person GraceKelli." 

And just like that, I hit the ground...again.

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