Level 17

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It had been three hours since Kelli had passed out the second time. Everyone freaked out. I mean like freaked out. Mainly because Kelli didn't have anyone to catch her that time and hit the ground before Prince-Taylor-could get to her. Anya rushed Kelli home after she started dipping in and out of consciousness. I called Kelli's mom from her phone and Ms. Lindsey said to just take her home. I was at Jordan's place when Anya called me. I had been pacing in Jordan's kitchen talking about Kelli while he was heating up some leftovers for us to snack on.


"Andy hey!"

"Hey Anya." I liked saying her name.

"So I thought I should keep you updated on situation Kelli. She is awake and has been for about an hour and a half. Her mom said this happens sometimes and there isn't anything that we can really do."

"That's not okay." I said placing the phone on the counter. "By the way you're on speaker. Say hi to Jordan."

"Hey J!"

"What's poppin'?"

"Poppin'? Jordan what?"

"Ignore him. He's going off 4 hours of sleep for the past week."

"What's happening?" Anya bursted through the phone. The thing about it was she was genuinely concerned. She was cares so much more than she lead people to believe.

"Just some family issues. Don't worry Anya." He pulled out two cups and filled them both with water.

"Anyway, Kelli is okay?"

"Yeah she is. Jason has been in there nonstop. Her mom is running back and forth but...no it's Andy and Jordan." She said and it sounded a little farther away. "Sorry Taylor wanted to know who I was talking too." She sounded all the sudden more tired. "She wants to talk to me in a little bit but she is still coming too. Jason is trying to explain what happened. She kinda started to panic and we could hear it out here. We had to basically hold Taylor back. He looks like his wife is on a breathing machine."

Wow. Jordan and I looked at each other. We knew Prince liked Kelli just as much as she liked Taylor. He would talk to us about her and his crazy girlfriend. He got closer to Jordan than to any of the rest of us. "Just give him some space. He had never had to deal with any form of mental illness. He probably thinks she is dying in there." Jordan said calmly.

There was noise on the other end of the phone. "Hey I'm going to have to let you go. Kelli wants to talk to Taylor."

GraceKelli's POV

Every thing felt like a dream. When I woke up I was in my bed in my room. Jason and my mom told me everything. Anya tried to come in and tell me what happened and I couldn't comprehend it. Jason had to slowly tell me everything. He knew that I remembered what had happened but everything in my head was thick like heavy smoke. But here we were. Looking at each other. Alone. In my room. Taylor looked like he always did. His hair was pushed back but some strains still fell into his face. He looked at me like he did when I caught him kissing Amber. His crazy girlfriend. The one he told me about. The one I said he should break up with. I wanted to faint again.

"Hey Grace." He said with a weak smile in the doorway. "Can I come in?" I shook my head yes. "I guess I should call you Kelli now huh?" He sat in my desk chair. Taylor was sitting in my chair. In my room. He said my name too. I loved the way he said my name. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay I guess." Somehow I found the power to speak, but I didn't recognize my own voice. It was harsh and worn. I wish I hadn't said anything at all. He is probably just here to make sure I'm okay and then leave to Amber somewhere. And we'll never talk about it and no one will ever know that I had fallen for the same guy twice. 

"Gr-Kelli. I need to talk to you about something."

"Its okay I know." Taylor looked confused. This is the most I have ever talked to him. Well, the most in person. "You saw me and how crazy I am and don't want to be involved. You are going to go back to Amber and live your life and we'll just pretend that this never happened."

"Is that what you think I'm here for?" His eyes were wide. He moved fast to sit on the edge of my bed to get closer. I moved away and pressed my back against my head bored. He leaned away but stayed on my bed. "Kelli. Amber and I are done. I was going to end it for real that day just for the chance that maybe if things didn't work out with Romeo then maybe I could ask you out." He took a breath so that he could continue. He was nervous. "I know kissing you was wrong I just thought it would be romantic. I'm so sorry. I feel so bad, I didn't mean for all this to happen I just...I saw you and everything seemed to make sense and all I could think to do was kis...Kelli what's wrong are you okay??"

I had started crying from panic. Taylor was in my room saying all this stuff to me. I didn't know how to handle it. "I just...I never thought this would happen."

"I'm sorry I...I can leave if you want me too."

"No." I blurted. "I'm sorry that was loud." I said even louder. "Fuck I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I'm sorry."

"Woah, woah, woah. What are you talking about? You've done nothing wrong."

"Because I'm making you feel bad and this is just who I am this...it happens a lot."

"No, please Grace don't think that." he moved closer to me and grabbed my hand. It was a soft touch, he was making sure I felt safe and not threatened. He read about it online. Some instinct took over me and I pulled him closer, practically on top of me. "Hey okay slow down." 

I brought my hands to my face while my eyes felt the need to pump out more tears. I whispered I'm sorry over and over. I couldn't get my voice any higher.

He didn't say anything he just moved and sat next to me. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer. I loved it. I was to panicked to realize Taylor was touching me and pressing me close to him. I just loved his heartbeat against me, and I loved his soft words soothing me to breath.

"I like this a lot better then over the phone Prince." I managed after a while. He had been running his hand over one of my arms.

"Me too Gamer Grace." I could feel him smile. He squeezed me a little tighter and I realized for the first time in my life...I could talk to Taylor.

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