Level 20

14 3 1

Username Unavailable's POV

Our house smelled like banana bread that morning as my mom wrapped up a loaf to give to Kelli. "I'm really glad you and Kelli are getting along so well. She seems like a nice girl."

"Yeah she's really cool. And she isn't fake, which I like even better." I smiled thinking about funny conversions we have on the morning rides to school.

"Travis called again." She said after a while.

"Can't we block his number? Report him to the police?"

"Well I answered him and told him that we are flattered he is so worried about you but it would be best to not call again since you weren't happy with all his attempts of communication."

"What did he say?" My phone buzzed. It was Andy. I smiled.

"Who texted you?"

"Just my friend Andy." My mom had a look. "Just friends. I am done with guys right now...maybe. What did Travis say?"

"He actually took it well. It apologized and said he wouldn't call again."

"Wow." was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. He had been trying desperately to get me to talk to him for so long that for him to just give up? It didn't really make any sense, but Travis never made any sense. "By the way I'm going to hang out with Andy today. We are going to go to the comic book store and come up with a campaign for everyone."

"Sounds like fun." My mom had the look on her face again. I rolled my eyes with a smile as I grabbed the bread. "Bye mom. I love you."

"Love you too sweetheart! Stay safe."

"Will do mom!" I went out the door and crossed over to Kelli's house. I wasn't there that long before Andy texted me he was outside. I wished Kelli would be less nervous about Taylor. As I saw Andy I smiled. He was standing out of his car holding the door for me.

"I went and knocked on your door." He said when I got closer. "Your mom totally thinks we are dating." His face was bright red, a tell tale sign of embarrassment. He couldn't hide it if he tried.

"Oh no!" I laughed. "Why did you knock on my door, you could have just texted me in the first place?"

"I guess I was just raised that way." Andy was awkward, but not without charm. I had to admit that he was cute. I smiled as we listened to the radio and went to the comic book shop. Once we got there we grabbed a table and set our stuff down. I had a messenger bag with my laptop, notebook, and pencil case in it. I set it near his backpack on the table. It was a pretty open space and we weren't worried about someone stealing our stuff so we just left it there as we went looking for dice. "What about this one?" he pointed to a black and white set. "It's classic."

"Not really my style."

"Are you a pink sparkle girl then?"

"Nah, well sometimes...okay yes but no at the same time." I kept looking. "What about these?" I pulled out a set of black sparkly die with gold numbers.

"Those are pretty badass."

"I think these are the ones then. I was looking for something that screamed badass." We both laughed as we walked around the store some more. "I am really liking comics. I'm not going to lie I came back her the other day and bought a couple."

"Oh really?? Which ones?" Andy looked so excided.

"The Beauty."

"Is that Image?"

"Yeah I got the first volume...which I guess technically is just one since its one book although it has like a fuck ton of issues in it." I smiled. Andy was easy to talk around.

"What's it about?"

"It's about this sexual transmitted called the Beauty where after you get it you become super gorgeous so everyone wants it but it turns out that it's killing people so they are trying to get this cure for it so it doesn't wipe out the majority of the population."

"That sounds kinda cool actually."

"Oh it is. I read it all that night."

"Ah. You must learn young grasshopper to savor comics."

"It's hard!" I whined. "They are so good!"

"I know they are but it's not like a tv show. You can't just binge watch it. It's like fine wine. You would never chug wine."

"I never pictured you as the drinking type."

"I mean casually having a beer with Jordan isn't really drinking. Unless you count the shot of wine I take a church." He started laughing nervously.

His nervous was contagious; my heart skipped. "What church do you go to?"

"Oh it's this small church, it's in this repurposed house so it's called-"

"Home Church?"

"Yeah how did you-"

"I go there!" I said a little too loud.

"Wait really? Do you go to the Sunday morning mass?"

"Yeah you?"

"Wednesday night, I don't have any morning classes on Thursday so it's pretty fun."

"That's so crazy."

"I know. Small world huh?"

"Yeah." We looked around some more then sat down and came up with the most kick ass campaign of all DnD campaign in my opinion. "I am starving." I said after hours of work.

"Do you like burgers?" Andy said putting his DnD books away.

"Hell yeah I like burgers."

"I know a really good place if you want to go."

"Sounds amazing!" We stepped outside into the freezing cold. "What the fuck is this weather?!" I hissed as I crossed my arms.

"Oh!" Andy said as he awkwardly pulled off his jacket in a way too complicated way. "Here." He was red again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah my car isn't that far away."

"Okay." I said shyly.

We got to the burger place within minutes. Andy had been quiet for a while so when we finally sat down with our number, his question surprised me. "Hey if you...I mean if I were to, uhmm, go to church tomorrow morning, would it be...if I sat with you?"

"Mhh-mhh-mhh." I hummed as I shook my head.

"What?" his red freckled face asked.

"Kelli warned me about you being a lady killer." Andy tried to laugh but you could tell he was uncomfortable. "I'm kidding. And yes I would love it if you sat with me tomorrow."


As our food came I checked my phone for what seemed like the first time in forever. Kelli called me 15 times. In a panic I opened my phone and saw a text message.

Kelli: hey its taylor. I came over her with food and kelli started having a panic attacj and she said some stff shes freaking out about now. She tried calling you a bunch but I think she's calmed down now. just wated to let you know. spelling is really bad cause kelli is on my arm but she;s okay. have fun on your date with A-man. ;)

What the fuck happened??

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