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The weeks passed quickly by and before Y/n knew it, it was time for her exam. Y/n spent the few past weeks studying Transfiguration, Defence against the dark arts, Charms, Potions and History of magic together with Rose, in
Y/n's opinion Rose didn't need to study since she already was so smart but of course Rose wanted to study with Y/n. She was a nervous wreck even though Rose had made her study a month before the exam.

After Y/n had finished her first exam, and sat waiting for her classmates to complete theirs, she would try to use the spell Y/n was supposed to use to make the pineapple dance again except this time Y/n tried it on a apple, with very little success.

However, after about five tries it was encouraging to see the apple move a bit more after each try. To sum it all up, charms didn't go that well.

Potions was not that easy as Y/n had imagined, Professor Sulcan said she was one of the best students in first year and second year to score so high which Y/n was really satisfied with since she had taken the second year exam. The next one was history of magic, that was one of the subject Y/n was really nervous about, first of all didn't the professor like her and second Y/n never really liked history, not in muggle school and not at Hogwarts. Y/n never really liked to read historical books either, the closest had to be Newt Scamander's book, she wasn't sure if his book was a history book but it didn't matter.

Transfiguration was one of the subject Y/n was most anxious about, they we're supposed to turn mice into snuffboxes. Y/n thought she did pretty great according to how her box looked, it wasn't the prettiest box but it was prettier than the one Y/n had made during class. Thank god it was the last exam on Friday.

"Thank god we're done" Y/n said, sighing as they strolled back to the castle after their exam.

"I'm so relieved, we have a whole week with no homework" Albus added while grinning

"Don't forget no studying" James butted in

"And our results" Rose sighed nervously

"You did fine and don't forget you are the smartest girl in first year, I'm sure you'll get an O" Y/n tried to assure her "just relax"

After Albus and Scorpius had left to go to their own common room, James, Rose and Y/n up to the Gryffindor common room where some people were playing something called exploding snap.

"What is basically this game about?" Y/n asked before she seated beside Henry.

"It's really simple, you have twenty cards and you reveal them in pairs" James explained, giving out cards "you have to find two identical pictures. Cards explode soon after you reveal them for the first time but of course they only explode of you don't have matching cards"

Hogwarts x reader|| Selcouth: faith of moon (book one)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن