CHAPTER SIX - visiting hagrids hut

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CHAPTER SIX- v i s i t i n g  h a g r i d' s  h u t

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CHAPTER SIX- v i s i t i n g h a g r i d' s h u t

During the breakfast on Monday, Karl was still as jealous as ever.

He and two other Slytherins, Nico Pucey and Zack Zabini, all looking murderous.

Albus, Scorpius and Y/n left the great hall earlier than normal to start on a five-paged essay in Charm that was due Friday.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see Karl, Zack and Nico sneaking up on them.

Y/n increased her pace, Albus and Scorpius just looked strangely at Y/n but went along with it.

Somehow Karl, Zack and Nico managed to get to them in an empty corridor.

Y/n panicked when Karl took out his wand, her first thought was to take out her wand myself but she didn't know any spells.

The strange thing was, when the spell hit her, nothing happened.

Well except that her wand flew ten feet into the air and fell down with a little thud on the floor behind her.

Albus and Scorpius ran over to Y/n while Karl and his gang just stood there staring blankly at them.

Suddenly Y/n heard steps behind her "What is going on here!"

Y/n turned around only to see McGonagall standing there waiting for an answer while holding her wand.

Albus quickly explained to McGonagall what just had happened. She looked strictly at Karl and his friends "Is this true Mr Jenkins?"

Y/n knew he was going to lie, but she couldn't do anything because they didn't have any proof

"No of course not, she is just trying to get me in trouble. She doesn't even have a scratch!" Karl scolded while pointing at me

McGonagall turned back to Y/n again.

"He has a point Ms Thompson" McGonagall agreed with Karl but still she waited for Y/n to say something, which she was on her way to before Scorpius interrupted her.

"Y/n is actually telling the truth, I know this sound very strange but it's the truth," Scorpius said and explained everything.

McGonagall looked strangely at Y/n, but said "you are both free to go"

Albus, Scorpius and Y/n were on their way out when McGonagall stopped them, for a second there Y/n thought she was going to give them detention.

But instead she said "you forgot your wand, Miss Thompson"

Y/n thanked her and walked away from the empty corridor thinking about what just happened.

Everything was quiet until Scorpius decided to speak up.

"What the heck just happened there?"
Something strange happened when the spell hit Y/n. It started draining out her energy bit for bit.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Albus soothed
Y/n could barely keep my eyes open, her whole body felt weak and she was in pain.

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