CHAPTER FIVE - classes

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CHAPTER FIVE- c l a s s e s

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CHAPTER FIVE- c l a s s e s

Y/n woke up around 04.30 a.m, it was still dark outside so she could see the stars on the sky outside the big window in her dorm

Y/n changed into a pair of loose sweatpants and a shirt.
It was awfully quiet, even the paintings were sleeping.

Y/n couldn't sleep that night, she was afraid and scared of what would happen here, what if she did something wrong and they wouldn't let her eat. Maybe things would have been different if her parents weren't dead, maybe people would see her less like a freak and more like one of them.

Y/n walked around for a while but she felt like there was someone else awake. "You couldn't sleep either?" A voice quietly said.

Y/n turned around and saw the one and only Teddy Lupin.

His blue hair was as usual messy and his eyes were red. It looked like he had been crying.
"No, are you okay. Have you been crying?"
Y/n sat down in one of the windows and patted the seat beside her. Hinting at him to sit down. Teddy looked down at the floor as he sat down.
"Why are you awake?" Teddy asked, he tried to take the attention away from himself.
Y/n frowned but answered his questions "I'm just worried. I don't w-want people to think I'm a f-freak" Y/n didn't tell him about the other thing, she didn't think he would understand.
"Why would they think that?" Teddy asked while he looked at the eleven year old girl,who was up at 4.30 a.m because she didn't want to be called a freak.
Y/n looked away, "that's what they say. I don't have any parents and I don't even know who they are"
Teddy looked sadly at the girl again, he didn't understand how people could be so mean to call her a freak. Teddy clenched his fist in anger, it wasn't right. "They don't know what they are talking about. You are not a freak because your parents are gone. My parents are gone too, so if you want. We can be freaks together" Teddy suggestion made Y/n smile a little bit.
"I would like that" Y/n smiled "but why were you crying?" She asked
Now that Y/n had gotten some of the problems she had bubbled up, so know she just wanted to help Teddy.  Y/n knew how it was to be sad and not being able to talk to someone about it.

Teddy smiled at me "I know who you are,Y/n. It's just that Victorie, you know the girl I was sitting with"

Y/n nodded as he continued talking "Well she is my girlfriend as you probably already had figured out. I had a dream that she got taken by the death eaters" Teddy said and smiled as one lonely  tear fell down his cheek
Y/n didn't know what deatheaters were, but by just knowing the name she knew it wasn't good.

Y/n hugged Teddy "It's okay to be sad, I know how you feel. But you just have to remember that Victorie is strong and if she ever got taken by them, they would probably fall in love with her and let her go. Because she is really pretty"

Teddy chuckled at Y/n but she didn't mind, as long as it made him smile, even though she hadn't known him for long it just felt like he was supposed to be her brother.

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