CHAPTER ELEVEN - nigthmare

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CHAPTER ELEVEN- n i g h t m a r e

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CHAPTER ELEVEN- n i g h t m a r e

Christmas break was now over, Y/n ended up staying with the Potters the whole Christmas break after she had been at Scorpius's house.
She wanted to go back to Hogwarts, mostly to see her friends but also to learn magic.

Allison and Claire were waiting for them at Hogsmeade, Y/n hadn't thought so much about the whole family thing since she got on the train. The thing Y/n was most excited about was, meeting her friends again.Right when the train stopped, Y/n hurried out of the train and onto the platform to greet her friends.

Y/n ran quickly over to Allison and Claire and gave them a big tight hug. Claire hugged Y/n back but both Y/n and Claire noticed that Allison seemed so distant, she wasn't her usual self.

Y/n shook her head, trying to convince herself that she didn't need to worry, but she couldn't. Nobody else noticed anything, so Y/n tried to not think about it.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked

"I'm fine.." Allison said while staring at the ground. It seemed like she hadn't gotten anything to eat during the Christmas break, she was pale and her eyes looked tired while her blonde curly hair fell down on her face.

Usually her skin was light tan and her eyes were full of joy, but this time it was different.
While talking to Claire, Y/n glanced over at Allison, she was laughing with some of the other hufflepuffs, maybe Y/n's hug had crushed Allison a bit or maybe she was taken back by how excited Y/n was. Either way, Y/n had to figure out what was bothering her friend.

On the way over to the castle, Y/n sat with Claire and Roxanne, Y/n had asked Allison if she wanted to sit with us, but she just shook her head silently and walked away.

Y/n tried to convince herself that it was nothing, but she just couldn't. When the carriages stopped, Y/n jumped out and skipped over to Albus and James. He was staring at a curly brown haired girl with green eyes, dressed in Gryffindor robes, Y/n had seen her around sometimes. But never really talked to her, however, Y/n knew what her name was. Avery Miller, she was one of the smartest witches in Gryffindor and probably Ravenclaw too.

Y/n nudged him in the elbow to get him out of his trance. James blushed when he realised he had been staring at Avery the whole time.
"James got a girlfriend" Y/n sang quietly but still hoping that Avery would hear her. James glared at Y/n "keep your voice down, she might hear you"

Y/n looked innocently at him "you like her don't you?" I exclaimed and teased him. Just then the brown haired girl skipped happily over to James and hugged him "James, I have missed you! How was your Christmas?"

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