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Forth walked around with his third glass of whiskey in hand. The atmosphere was merry and everyone was laughing and chatting in small groups. For the exception of him, he remained aloof and was contented with just observing. Despite the warm atmosphere he wasn't feeling it, he was cold inside, frozen cold.

When he came to know about the deal his father has made he was engaged but he nearly lost his mind when he came to knew later on that his old man has literally sold off his younger son for the sake of the company. He lost his sleep from then on, his pride has been shattered and scattered in a million pieces at his feet. Despite his hard and honest work, he couldn't save his company and his father had to resort to such an act. This was a great blow to his ego and he has started questioning his own abilities.

However, seeing the pure happiness on his brother's face was a relief. He was contented that Pha wasn't getting married under pressure like he did once. Shaking his head, he discarded his depressing thoughts and walked towards a small group of beautiful ladies. This was his brother's night and he wasn't going to ruin it by putting on a damper on his mood. He put on a strained smile and stopped by the group. He was making an effort so that his brother wouldn't worry too much about him, he did caught the worrying glances Phana kept throwing his way throughout the night.

"How is the food ladies?" He asked gallantly with his glass in one hand and his other hand inside his pocket. The girls were holding plates filled with all kinds delicacies. It was reception night, food and drink were flowing like water among the guests. There was a big buffet offering on-the-spot barbecued chicken and grilled meat. There was also a huge range to choose from exotic seafoods to only veg menus. Adding to the list, a long table was dedicated only to desserts and at the far corner a bar was proving with every drinks of your choice.

"It is very good thank you. It is quite a relief to be eating such simple but delicious barbecue." One of them replied and his friend added, "we were just discussing about the decor. This is so eye-catching and has a royal feel to it. Everything was planned to perfection."

He nodded graciously to acknowledge their compliments, "all credits goes to the grooms. They decided everything and planned well."

Indeed, Pha and Yo have decided the theme. The whole banquet was decorated with fresh flowers. White flowers hang from every inch of the ceiling with the occasional ladens alongside adding an unearthy feeling to it and red flowers ardorned the staircase, the entry way and the majestic columns inside. Black roses in gigantic bouquets were placed in four corners of the room which blended surprisingly well with the rest of the flowers. It was a fairytale, flower castle for the royal indeed and the two Princes were ravelling within it.

"Speaking of the grooms, there they are. Excuse me please." He half bowed in front of the blushing ladies and took his leave. His perfect manners and deadly looks was a heartbreaker for sure. He was also very charismatic, thus drawing everyone's attention wherever he goes.

Forth signalled the waiter and finished his drink before taking another glass. Thanking him, he advanced towards his brother and heard the end of his conversation, "no talk of children for the next 10 years or so. I am not ready to share Yo with anyone yet, he is mine and mine only."

"Then what about 2 dogs and a cat P'Pha?" Yo asked in his super cute and sweet voice.

Pha looked at him and answered in a resigned voice at his pouting face, "very well, maybe after 2-3 years."

Forrh shook his head at his stubbornness and approached by saying, "congrats again bro and don't be so hard-headed, a dog and cat seemed nice."

"Thank you P'Forth," Yo responded brightly smilling at him as Pha scowled. He was still too possessive and get jealous at whomever his husband smiled at.

A sound came beside to him and he glanced down to see his brother's weird friend choking on his drink. He coughed a little and sputtered an incoherent excuse before stepping back and disappearing among the guests. What was his name again?...ahh yes Dr Baramee. He was always behaving strangely around him or maybe it was just him that brought his weird side. Shrugging his behaviour away, he focused back on the newly married couple and made small conversations until they got interrupted by Mr Panichayasawad who announced proudly, "it's time for cake cutting. Make way for the couple of the night."

Everyone applauded as Pha and Yo walked hand in hand to the cake and went to stand behind it. There was some gasps and many gawked openly at the 4-tier cake. It was royal white and was decorated with huge black and red roses which went perfectly well with the theme. Forth heard some guests whispering about what an eye-catching cake it was. After a round of photos, they cut the cake and popped the champagnes with everyone cheering. Next, it was time for the family pictures as one by one or in groups they posed with the couple.

Forth bear it all and went along patiently until it was time for the first dance. With everyone distracted at the couple glowing on the dance floor he gulped his drink and took his leave silently. Unbeknownst to him, Beam was following his every moves and he also the only one who caught him leaving the celebration behind.

Once outside, he signalled for his car and sank inside with deep sigh. He didn't have to put on a forced cheerful face here and felt instantly lighter. He started reflecting once he got on the road. He was truly happy for his brother and wished that he would remain like this forever, unlike him. Once, he was also full of dreams and happy expectations for the future however, it didn't last long. Despite this, he was confident for his brother because he went against all boundaries and fell in love with someone who truly captivated his heart and made him feel alive regardless of his gender.

Forth wasn't leaving because the atmosphere reminded him of his failed wedding, in fact he was leaving because he was at his wit's end since he was too tired. He stayed awake the whole night catching up on today's work and now he was finally on his way home for a much needed sleep. Tomorrow his day was going to start normally at 6 therefore he needed the rest. Contrary to other's thinking, his workload has only increased, now more so when Pha would hand over and leave for Panichayasawad Enterprise.

He was working himself to death yet it wasn't enough to distract him of his shameful failure in front of the whole world. The great Forth Kongthanin, the highly intelligent and charismatic businessman who once could do it all was unable to please his wife, thus driving her to extra marital affairs. And now, he was also deemed incapable of handling his own business. He has really lost it all during this past month but he refused to give up because his burden was heavier now. He was going to be the sole heir of Kongthanin company and despite of no one mentioning it, he knew that he was expected to produce a child to pass on the business later on.

Forth closed his eyes briefly as he passed a hand tiredly over his face. He sagged back and forced his mind blank. He needed to stop thinking about these depressing through and forge ahead. Putting both his hands on the wheel to turn a corner, he jerked and his eyes widen in horrified realisation. In the nanosecond that he was distracted, he missed the green light turning to red and now he was barrelling straight at another car. Swirling sharply, he turned his car around in hope of avoiding it but it was too late. The other car slammed its brake and it came screeching towards Forth's side. He watched in a daze as the car approached in slow motion and a sickening clash resonated as it closed in.

A deep piercing noise rang in his ears whilst feeling a searing pain overtaking his every senses. He blinked away his red vision and lifted his head weakly in an attempt to focus but he was loosing his grip on reality with each pained breathing.

He took in slow, ragged breaths and soon everything went dark.

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