Chapter 30: Back into his arms

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"For how long have we been walking?"

"4 hours the hell am I supposed to know that? I'm clueless just like you."

Kayla paused and raised her hands up, "ok, ok, cool down geez. It's like I poke a sleeping bear."

Yo stopped and turned to look at her, whizzing. He let out a scream of freight and back away immediately, starring at her in horror. She looked at him suspiciously then looked down at herself. Finding nothing wrong she asked harshly, "what got stuck into your butt?"

He shook his head and exclaimed, "no wonder those two cars didn't wanted to stop! Look at you, your hair is sticking out everywhere like a crazy woman, you are sooo red like a boiling lobster and your clothes are sticking on you as if you had a shower with all your clothes on."

She examined herself coolly then stared at him up and down, "you know, you are fucking red too and sweat are running down like water from your forehead to your chest. You stink and look disgusting so don't try to put this on me."

Yo put on a defensive stance, "it's boiling hot over here and we walked this much so obviously I will sweat and don't forget we are walking in the full sun so we are both sunburn. How can you just accuse me like that! You are stinking too!"

They glared at each other refusing to back down and lose the fight. Yo groaned as he passed a hand tiredly over his face, "listen, let's not talk until we find civilisation again. We are not making many advances if we keep stopping in the middle of nowhere and fight like that every 10 minutes."

"You said the same 10 minutes ago." Kayla replied sarcastically.

"This time I'm very serious. We keep walking and don't stop. I don't want to get stuck here until night, who knows what might happen. I don't want to test my luck again anytime soon."

She nodded and they started off again, each pinching their mouth tightly to prevent from talking.

10 minutes later

"I think I was a murderer in my previous life." Kayla muttered as she dragged her feet along.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because God is punishing me now! You know how they say that you pay for your sins right here before dying, so I think I made a very big mistake. Why else would we be kidnapped, starved and tortured?"

Yo paused and looked at her quizzically, "tortured?"

She nodded and grimaced as she forced herself to continue walking, her feet were burning, "we were made to sleep on a bug infested bed, we were tied harshly and brought to their apartment, they refused to give us food or water except that popcorn and this morning they were too busy planning an escape to give us breakfast." She finished on a whine and her eyes filled with fresh tears.

"You're so right, I must have been a murderer too. We got thrown into a forest for the animals to feast on, my feet are boiling in this shoes but I can't take them off because I won't be able to walk and I'm dehydrated and patched. I....I think i'm feeling light-headed from lack of food or I'm just having a heat stroke."

She waved a hand dismissly as she passed by him, "don't exaggerate. I'm in worse condition than you. My feet are cracked and unrecognisable." She put her hands on her waist and turned to look at him with a horrified expression, "and don't you dare to remove your shoes! We might faint, hell, the birds might fall down from the trees."

Yo glared at her as his nose flared up, "the nasty one here is you! Don't talk to me ever again!"

She turned in front with a hump and continued forward annoyed with him. She halted so suddenly that causing Yo bumped into her, nearly sending them crashing to the ground.

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