Chapter 17: In a golden cage

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Tadaaaa, I'm officially ranked. Isn't that amazing 😁😁

"Wake up P'Pha," a sweet voice whispered next to his ear as a soft hand caressed his cheek softly.

Opening his eyes in a snapped he grapped the hand in a vice grip and looked around desperately. He drew in a sharp breath when he noticed Yo sitting next to his bed.

He blinked and stared at him for a few more seconds. Yo tried to take back his hand but Pha gripped it so hard that it turned pale.

"Is it really you? Are you really here?" He whispered hoarsely, he swallowed to appease his dried and aching throat.

Yo nodded shyly, "it's really me P'Pha, now let go of my hand. You're hurting me."

"I won't, what if you disappear again."

Yo sighed and leaned down close to him, "are you ready to break off your engagement for me?"

Pha stared into his soft brown eyes and nodded immediately, "I will, I will do anything for you. I will even marry you this minute if you say so."

Yo gasped as he blushed fiery red, he looked down shyly and bit his lips, "I didn't say marriage. We're not boyfriends and dating yet."

"But you will marry me right?"

"Is that your idea of a marriage proposal Pha? If so then you suck big time." Beam declared loudly as he entered the room and started checking his chart.

Yo took this moment of distraction to take his hand back. He was red from embarrassment.

Pha scowled at him, "what are you doing here?"

Beam laughed, "is that how you thanks your doctor? I saved your life you jerk, at least be a little more graceful."

Pha frowned as he looked around. Shocked, he finally noticed that he was in a hospital. Sitting up he groaned at his protesting body or more specifically his burning stomach. Yo quickly arranged his pillow behind him so that he can lean back comfortably. Catching Yo's hand again he tugged him towards him and make him sit on the bed with him. Holding him possessively around the waist he turned to Beam.

"What the fuck am I doing here?"

Beam was not affected by his rough and harsh voice, he looked at him calmly and replied, "you nearly died you fool. I had to empty your stomach. You got alcohol poisoning and if Forth wouldn't have rushed you to the hospital in time you would have been in a really critical condition."

Hearing a sniff they both turned to Yo who had big drops of tears running down his fluffy cheeks, he put his head on the crook of Pha's arm and said tearfully, "you nearly died P'Pha, I almost lost you."

Pha tugged him closer and engulfed him comfortably, "you wouldn't have lost me love because even in death I wouldn't have leave you alone. I would have haunt you until you joined me up there."

"You are so creepy Pha." Beam said unbelievably.

The door opened and Forth entered. He paused upon seeing Pha, "I see that the Romeo is awake. Good, you slept enough as it is."

"For how long was I sleeping?"Pha asked Beam but the said doctor looked flustered as he avoided looking at Forth. He turned this way and that, "I...I need to check other patients. By..bye."

He left in a hurry as Yo and Forth looked at him quizzically. Only Pha was not surprised, he was used to this behaviour of his best-friend in front of his brother, the only surprising thing was that Beam was like that since young and he still didn't change.

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