Chapter 11: The Scandal

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"You wake up right now young man!"

Yo rolled on his back lazily and sighed. He smuggled against his dinosaur and fell back asleep again.

"Let him be. He is only a child, he wouldn't have known about what he did. After all, this is the first time that this happened." His mother implied softly to his dad.

"The first time? So you mean to tell me I shall expect more of this childish behaviour from him? No matter how severe his boss is, he has no right to throw food on him like that."

Yo's eyes snapped wide open, how does his parents know about that? Did Pha tell on him?

"I thought we taught you better Wayo, you are starting to get out of control." His father continued pacing around his bed, "as soon as we got the news I contacted all the stations to prevent publishing it and my men are trying to erase it from the internet but it's too late. Many people have already saw the images on the internet. It's proliferating like a virus. Why on Earth would you do something like that?"

Yo sat up slowly, he was still trying to assimilate his father's words, internet, news..?

"Ohhh!" He gasped aloud as he got it.

"At last you're awake. Now get ready and go apologise to your boss. His reputation suffered a bit but I'm sure he will understand and forgive you."

Yo glanced deploring at his mum but she shook her head, there was no help coming from her side this time.

"Ok dad, I will do whatever you want." His father eased his tensed face at his words and approached him.

"Yo, we know it's hard to receive orders from others when you are so used to be the master. But I am only doing this for your own good. No matter how hard he is making you work, there are always other solutions rather than throwing your food over his head. Next time you're angry at him, you discuss it with me first ok? I will try my best to talk to him."

Yo nodded as he let his head fall down, looking sad and pitiable. His parents were torn, they didn't want to scold him but they couldn't let this matter go. His mother hugged him and rubbed his back gently, "everything will be ok baby. I'm sure your boss will forgive you."

After some assurance his parents left his room. Yo jumped out of bed and grapped his mobile.

Ohh no!

Pictures of P'Pha with food all over his head and shoulder was plastered all over the internet. Yo grapped his head, how could he be so stupid! He totally forgot that they were money famous and thus all their activities and actions are closely watched upon by the general public or more specifically the paparazzi. Pha's pictures were published in all imaginable gossip magazine out there despite his father's effort to erase it.

There was also a picture of Yo running away after throwing the food. There was a lot of speculation of why he did such a thing. Some say that he was jealous of Pha's fiancée which hits very close to home but most were saying that Pha worked Yo too hard and Yo retaliated. Following this, now the reputation of the company was in question, they were questioning how far does the Kongthanin work their workers and whether it was modern slavery.

They were doomed, or at least Yo was doomed. He had a tiny teeny bit of hope that Pha might forgive him and let the matter go but after this scandal, he has none.

He wanted to get back in bed and hide under his blanket for maybe a decade but he knew that his father won't let him. Ming called shortly afterward, offering his condolences and promising to take care of Yo's car, his clothes and money after his death. That was not reassuring at all, now he was even more afraid. He went to get dressed dragging his feet, wanting to prolong the time he needed to get to the office.

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