Chapter 6: Testing his limits

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Mingkwan aka Ming☝

Yo followed behind Ming tiredly, he wasn't in the mood for clubbing but Ming insisted saying that he was feeling rejected ever since he started working, he was talking as if Yo worked for an entire year without seeing him but still he gave up and followed his friend dutifully.

Yo was in a strange mood, even he can't understand what he was feeling; anger, sadness, jealousy? It was all his boss fault.

Pha has awakened a whole lot of new emotions in him and he was feeling resentful because the man of his dream can't be his forever and ever. He tried to shake his dark mood as he joined Ming at the bar. He ordered a large beer since he couldn't risk drinking too much and end up late for work tomorrow.
He had to wait for his parents to fall asleep before sneaking out because they were against him going outside during work week. He felt like he was in high school all over again.

Ming was also kind of moody tonight, he was strangely quiet.

" What's up Ming?" Yo asked him looking at him in concern. The only time Ming was ever this quiet was when he had to take out his 2 decaying teeth. He wasn't able to talk for a whole 2 hour because it was too painful.

His friend just shook his head and continued drinking. Yo let him be, when the time will come he will tell all by himself. He was looking at the dancing crowd when he noticed a familiar face, P'Josh!

He was dancing with a couple of girls. Yo waved his hands wildly for Josh to notice him. Ming looked at Yo enquiringly as Josh came happily over to them, smiling from cheek to cheek.

"Hey Wayo! What a coincidence. 2 times in a day, we are definitely met to be." He winked playfully at him as he sat down beside them. Yo blushed at his flirting, P'Josh certainly know how to make him flustered.
He turned to Ming and introduced them, "Ming, this this the Chief Supervisor of the Finance sector and also my boss's cousin, P'Josh and P, this is my best friend Mingkwan."

They shook hands and Josh ordered a drink for each of them as a treat on his behalf, " So Yo tell me, are you here often?"

Yo shook his head, " No P, we usually go to another club but since I have to work tomorrow we came to the nearest one."

"P, please look after my little buddy well. He is not used to working so he will find it hard at first." Ming said putting his arms around Yo's shoulders.

"Don't worry Ming, we are all taken by him already. He became our cinnamon roll."

Yo blushed again as Ming laughed. Josh took out his phone and lean flirtatiously towards the cute guy, "How about a selfie before I get back to my friends?"

Yo looked at Ming for confirmation before he nodded. They took many selfies and Josh post them to his Instagram instantly. He waved them goodbye and the best buddies went back to their drink, chit chatting contently until Yo got a message.

"I warned you that you're only mine, so what are you doing among the wolves? Return home baby....Now!"

He got a chill reading the message, even if it was from an unknown number he doesn't have to guess far to know that it was from Phana.
He glance around suspiciously, how does the young old man knew he was here? He swallowed fearfully before sending a reply back.

"This cub is out wanting to be hunted by young, very single wolves. Stay out of my business or better yet go bother your fiancée."

Yo put his phone on silence and got back to his drink. Ming was staring morosely in his drink, he was indeed acting strange. Normally he would be off dancing and flirting with the girls. Yo lean close to him and put his head on his shoulder, appreciating the rare non-talkative Ming. They remained like this for a few minutes before Ming's phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and his expression changed into a horror one.

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