12. Greeting

119 8 1

July 12, 2018 

" Write a story or poem that starts with the word "hello". "


'Hello', a bright cheery greeting

Met by teary face and trembling lips

Refusing to let go of his father's hand

To proceed alone into the class.

'Hello', a loud sarcastic note

From the upset boss to errant employee

Caught while browsing the net

Rather than focus on the tepid numbers.

'Hello', a joyous shout and a tight hug

From friends at the airport lounge

Meeting after a couple of years

Happiness at seeing them again.

'Hello', a curt and polite snarl

On seeing an unknown caller

Upset at being disturbed

But having to answer the ring.

'Hello', a hassled housewife's reply

Right in the middle of the day,

Busy with chores yet unable

To ignore shrilling phone.

'Hello', an angry and gruff retort

To the walker cutting your path

One word to express your ire

At his oblivious behaviour.

'Hello', a soft tap on the shoulder

To see concern on their face

Wondering why you are so lost

And hoping nothing is amiss.

'Hello', one small word and yet

So many ways to say

'Hello', one single word and yet

So many feelings to convey


Word count 157

My first attempt at a free verse, wait, this is the second one. But somehow, I am not a great fan of free verse form. 

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