✰Twenty four: Don't be lame

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Warning; this chapter may contain triggering scenes


       "Pleeeeaaaseee? I really wanna go, Luke." Ashton begged, grabbing my hands. I let out an exasperated sigh, and I shook my head no. Ashton stuck out his bottom lip, looking up at me with wide eyes. That douchebag Tom is throwing a party, and Ashton wants to go. What happened to the Ashton that hated parties? I call Tom a douchebag because...I just don't like him.

     "Last time you went to a party, you got arrested. It's not a good idea." I pointed out, earning a eye roll from Ashton. He knew I was right, but he wanted to go anyways. Maybe I've been a bad influence on him.

       "I don't fucking care if it's a bad idea, I wanna go! There'll be drinks, music, things you like! I don't even want to drink tonight, I just wanna hang out. Don't be lame." Ashton whined, tugging on my arms. That's the first time anyone has ever told me to not be lame. I'm not a lame person, I'm cool and badass.

       "No, Ashton." I snapped, getting annoyed. Ashton let go of my hands, and he pouted.

       "Fine, I'm going by myself." Ashton shrugged, as he opened up his refrigerator. I laughed humorlessly, shaking my head. There's no way I'm letting Ashton go to a party all by himself.

       "You're not going alone." I said sternly, as Ashton grabbed a carton of orange juice. He poured himself a glass, and set the carton back into the fridge. He stormed out of the room, but I followed after him quickly. We entered the living room, and Ashton sat down on the couch, crossing his arms against his chest. I sighed, sitting beside him. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you. If you went by yourself and something happened, I would never forgive myself." I said softly.

        "I don't need you to protect me. I punched Michael, I can be badass." Ashton pouted, looking away from me. I laughed, wrapping my arm around Ashton. He scooted away from me, shooting me a glare.

       "Fine, we'll go to the party. But I'm still not happy about this." I huffed, watching Ashton smirk. He was a being a brat, getting his way as usual. A part of me wanted to punish him, but I decided to just let him and go and be bratty. For now.

        "Great, I'll text Calum."


           Even though I agreed to go to Tom's stupid party with Ashton, Ashton was still kind of upset with me. The car ride to his house was awkward, and almost painful. After ten minutes of tense silence, I finally turned on the radio to fill the quietness. Ashton gave me a look, and then he looked out the window. 

       "What, it's not like you're trying to talk to me or anything." I stated, chewing on my lower lip.

        "I didn't say anything, asshole." Ashton snapped.

      "Why are you so mad?" I asked angrily, my knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel.

        "Because you've been a douchebag all day long! When we get to this party, I'm hanging out with Calum." Ashton replied, frowning. Of course Calum is at the party, since he's fucking Tom. I guess him and Michael are on a break again. A few minutes later, we pulled up to Tom's house. I parked on the side of the street, and got out of the car.

Ashton got out of the car, walking ahead of me. I followed after him, walking up the driveway. I could tell he was trying to get away from me as quickly as possible, so he could find Calum. As soon as we entered Tom's house, I already wanted to go home. Calum and Tom walked up to Ashton, Calum hugging Ashton.

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